
Shape And Sculpt Your Body With CoolTone

Approved for use in 2019, CoolTone treatments make use of magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) to strengthen, firm and tone your muscles. CoolTone is an FDA-cleared device for shaping and contouring the glutes, abdominal muscles and thighs. It is a non-surgical, minimally invasive aesthetic treatment designed to help you achieve your ideal body shape and complement regular exercise and a healthy diet.

When you’re doing conventional strength training in the gym, your brain sends electrical signals to your muscles, causing them to contract. When you engage in intense strength-building workouts you damage your muscle fibres. This stimulates a repair process as your body rebuilds and strengthens the damaged tissues.

In order to gain lean muscle mass in the gym you have to increase the demand on your muscles consistently, either by doing more reps or lifting heavier weights. This is often why so many people don’t achieve their desired results with exercise alone.

How Does CoolTone Sculpt and Shape Your Muscles?

CoolTone works in a similar way to strength training, delivering electromagnetic energy to your muscles and causing those muscular contractions. It’s the same effect your muscles are exposed to when you exercise, except that CoolTone amplifies the results by delivering intense magnetic pulses. One 30-minute session with the CoolTone device delivers up to 20 000 muscle contractions, the equivalent of doing 20 000 technically correct squats, which you couldn’t achieve in the gym, in the same timeframe.

CoolTone Body Contouring Benefits

Enhancing your fitness routine with CoolTone offers benefits like

  • Strengthening and toning your abs, thighs and glutes;
  • More confidence and higher body satisfaction;
  • It’s non-invasive so there’s no recovery period;
  • It’s suitable for men and women;
  • You can treat more than one area in a session.

What To Expect During A CoolTone Treatment Session

Each CoolTone body sculpting session lasts for 30 minutes. You will be asked to remove any magnetic accessories (jewellery, belts, or clips) prior to your session. Despite its name, a CoolTone treatment isn’t cold to experience.

The treatment isn’t painful but you should feel light muscular contractions as your muscles are stimulated. You may experience mild muscle ache in the treated area afterwards )as you would after an intense workout) but this usually resolves within 24-hours.

How Long Does It Take To See Results?

Most clients will have four to eight treatment sessions across a two to four-week period but many of them report visible results after a single session. It’s best to consult with a specialist physician who can customise your treatment plan for optimal results. 

Does CoolTone Really Work?

CoolTone is clinically proven to improve muscle tone. It’s backed by clinical studies that show how it improves muscle size, volume, and strength to produce more visible results in a shorter time frame than going to the gym alone. 

CoolTone shouldn’t be thought of as a substitute for regular exercise. What’s interesting to note is the clinical studies reveal a very high body satisfaction index by clients who tried it. Not only did study participants feel stronger and more confident, they were highly motivated to exercise and maintain their results post-treatment.

How Long Do The Results Last?

With regular exercise and a healthy diet, you can maintain your results for a long time. Without exercise, you can expect the results of your CoolTone treatment to last for three to six months.

The ideal candidate for CoolTone body shaping is close to their ideal weight, does regular exercise and follows a healthy diet. If you’d like to find out how body shaping can sculpt and tone your body, we recommend speaking to one of our specialist physicians. Please contact us on 1300 788 800 or book in for a free consultation at our Sydney, Brisbane or Gold Coast clinic.

This article forms part of a series on Body Toning treatments by our medical experts, including: EmsculptTeslaFormer, StimSure and Embrace Body Toning. Learn more by visiting these article, voicing your opinions in the comment sections below or contacting us on directly.

Hand Wrinkles

How to Rejuvenate Your Hands: Wrinkles, Volume and Texture

Hand wrinkles are not always the number one concern when it comes to anti-aging treatments. But they should be and for a good reason. That’s because the condition of your hands can give away your age in a split second. Hand wrinkles can occur alongside other tell-tale signs of getting older, such as protruding veins, ligaments, hyperpigmentation and crepey skin.     

Have you noticed lately that your hands don’t look as youthful as you’d like? The great news is that you have several options to refresh their appearance. In fact, most skin-enhancing modalities you normally associate with facial treatments can be used to prevent and reverse hand wrinkles and other signs of ageing. Here’s a top list of proven procedures to help your hands look as beautiful as your complexion:

Fractional Resurfacing for Hand Wrinkles

When it comes to your hands, wrinkles you see are the static kind which means they’re not caused by muscle movement. Anti Wrinkle Injections won’t do much to soften these lines the same way it can relax your frown furrows or crow’s feet. The only way to improve the appearance of hand wrinkles is by removing damaged skin and stimulating collagen synthesis with procedures such as fractional resurfacing.

Fractional resurfacing is particularly suited for rejuvenating the backs of your hands. Since this area doesn’t have oil glands any trauma or injury can take much longer to heal than anywhere else on your body. Fractional devices deploy ablative and non-ablative radiofrequency energy in a grid-like pattern, leaving microscopic points of skin untouched. As a result downtime is minimal and patients can resume their normal activities almost immediately. This non-invasive treatment is effective for addressing hand wrinkles, poor skin texture and most types of photo damage. 

IPL Photorejuvenation for Dark Spots and Even Skin Tone

A common pigment complaint on the hands is age spots (some people call them liver spots). These can occur simultaneously with hand wrinkles and the best way to eradicate them is with IPL/BBL (Intense/BroadBand Light), also referred to as “Photofacial” treatments. The IPL/BBL emits multiple wavelengths, precisely targeting and removing most types of pigment from the skin.     

How does IPL/BBL work exactly? Some of the light is attracted by the brown pigment. Other wavelengths are absorbed by the red pigment. Both become vaporised in the process, setting in motion a powerful healing and regenerative response in the skin. After a series of three to six IPL/BBL sessions you can expect a dramatic improvement in skin tone, reduction in pigmentation and even hand wrinkles thanks to the collagen-stimulating effects of IPL/BBL energy.

Dermal Fillers to Restore Volume and Hide Hand Veins

As we age, loss of volume in the hands can make our veins and tendons appear more pronounced and accentuate fine lines and hand wrinkles. Most people assume that not much can be done to plump the skin in this area, mostly because not many options were available until recently. With the introduction of highly specialised soft tissue fillers this has changed. Most dermal fillers contain water-binding sugar molecules in a gel medium. When injected under the skin they mask the appearance of tendons, veins and hand wrinkles. Patients can finally have hands that match their overall rejuvenated appearance.

Don’t Forget the Hand Cream

Prevention is the best medicine. This applies to your hands too. Since the hands have thinner skin with less elasticity, it’s important to moisturise and protect them from the elements. Therefore your daily beauty routine should include a good hydrating hand cream, sunblock and anti-aging serum at night. 

If you’re bothered by mild pigmentation issues but you’re not quite ready for light therapies like IPL/BBL or Fractional Resurfacing (or you want a product to extend the results of these treatments) then ask your dermatologist about pigment reducing creams. They can even out your skin tone and prevent the dark spots from forming or getting worse. 


Cryolipolysis: Can fat effectively be removed without surgery?

Imagine finally being free from pesky and persistent lurking fat bulges, the kind responsible for muffin top, bingo wings and saddle bags. Having the confidence to wear the section of your wardrobe reserved for one day when…, feeling comfortable in your own body, being body happy.

If stubborn fat pockets are holding you back, cryolipolysis could help.

What Is Cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis is at its most simple level a fat freezing technology. Fat cells are responsible for storing fat, the more fat cells you have, the more fat your body is able to store. Naturally fat cells may be naturally metabolised from your body, however this process takes time and while your body holds these fat cells, the areas they lurk will always be prone to holding fat.

Cryolipolysis is a permanent solution to this challenge. Fat cells are out of all the cells your body contains, overly sensitive to cold meaning the right temperature can selectively destroy them. We’ll discuss just how cold cryolipolysis treatments get very soon.

How Does Cryolipolysis Work?

If person A had 20 fat cells and person B had 40 fat cells, person B would always be more prone to gaining weight than person A. Having a larger number of fat cells makes it easier for your body to gain weight – cryolipolysis can help.

During a cryolipolysis treatment, for example CoolLipo the average temperature you will experience is -7oC . To apply cryolipolysis to selected areas, CoolLipo uses a cup shaped paddle which is placed onto a protective gel pad sitting on top of your target body area. The cup shaped paddle then applies vacuum to suck the target body area into direct contact with the cooling paddle.

After fat cells have been destroyed by cryolipolysis, your body naturally begins removal via lymphatic drainage. For as long as a healthy diet and lifestyle is maintained – cryolipolysis will show you long lasting results.

Cryolipolysis Side Effects

As a non-invasive, no downtime procedure cryolipolysis has minimal side effects. During treatment it’s highly likely you will experience a strong tingling directly after application of the cryolipolysis paddle – this is normal and rather than being painful at most could be described as uncomfortable. Helpfully cold has a numbing effect and therefore if you do find in treatment tingling uncomfortable, you will find sensations quickly subside.

After a cryolipolysis treatment is complete, some may experience bruising, redness or soreness contained with and around the chosen treatment area. All of these effects will resolve quickly and should not cause worry.

Cryolipolysis Results

The most important consideration of any aesthetic treatment is results – what are they and is the investment worth your time? Helpfully cryolipolysis treatments such as CoolLipo use a well proven technology – a reason why 9 out of 10 people see results from just 1 treatment.

Cryolipolysis results are visible in some from as little as a week however as your body’s natural drainage system is used to transport away dead fat cells, time is needed before you can enjoy seeing full benefits. Most patients find cryolipolysis results are noticeable within 2 to 7 weeks with full effects achieved within 3 to 4 months.

Cryolipolysis Treatment

The latest cryolipolysis treatment available today is known as CoolLipo – a treatment we offer here at Advanced Dermatology. Amnon-surgical solution for eliminating stubborn areas of fat for good.

Are you ready to get rid of persistent body fat? Want to learn more about CoolLipo? Contact our team today for your friendly and free consultation. 

MonaLisa Touch

MonaLisa Touch: How to Resolve Post Menopause Symptoms

MonaLisa Touch therapies are designed to provide a solution for taboo post menopause/post-partum symptoms. Vaginal dryness, vaginal burning, incontinence, vaginal itching and pain during intercourse are a handful of symptoms associated with a medical condition known as vaginal atrophy.

What Is Vaginal Atrophy?

The most common change in hormone balance post-menopause/post-partum is a decline of estrogen and it’s this particular change which is able to provoke the common symptoms of vaginal atrophy. A condition also often referred to as atrophic vaginitis.

Vaginal atrophy is characterised as the hormone initiated thinning and shrinkage of vaginal tissues. A change which in turn triggers inflammation of the vagina. What appear like small biological changes can have profound effects on a person’s life and wellbeing.

Only 4% of women recognise the symptoms of vaginal atrophy but over 75% of women with symptoms of vaginal atrophy experience a significant negative impact on their lives.

Does MonaLisa Touch Really Work?

MonaLisa Touch treatments are a scientifically supported therapy for the correction of vaginal disorders triggered by post-menopausal or post-partum hormone change. As a laser treatment MonaLisa Touch therapies are almost pain free and last less than 5 minutes. An outpatient’s procedure able to fit within life seamlessly.

Published studies conclude over 84% of women are satisfied with the results of MonaLisa Touch treatments reporting significant improvements in vaginal atrophy symptoms such as dryness, burning and itching.

MonaLisa Touch treatments are aimed at being a non-surgical solution with minimal to no recovery time – a treatment plan of 3 procedures is most recommended for significant benefits.

How Does MonaLisa Touch Work?

MonaLisa Touch treatments are a specific type of laser treatment known as vulvo-vaginal laser reshaping (V2LR). Therapies are aimed to both cure and prevent symptoms of vaginal atrophy.

The lasers used in MonaLisa Touch treatments work gently to ensure vaginal tissue is smoothly treated with manageable amounts of laser energy. Technically known as DOT therapy, MonaLisa Touch lasers apply non-continuous laser energy to a patient’s vaginal wall in small 200 micron dots. As laser energy is carefully controlled, MonaLisa Touch therapies are mostly reported as completely pain free.

After application of a MonaLisa Touch laser, a patient’s body naturally initiates tissue repair processes. A form of wound healing which is able to stimulate the production of several structural proteins including collagen. As collagen acts like the scaffolding to all skin and tissues, when collagen levels are boosted, skin and vaginal tissues may become tighter, firmer and younger in biology.

Is MonaLisa Touch Safe?

The best aspect of the MonaLisa Touch treatments is their extreme level of safety and comfort. Being developed specifically for vaginal tissues the lasers used are both gentle and effective. Almost all patients repot a MonaLisa Touch therapy to be completely painless with no side effects and significant results.

MonaLisa Touch Reviews and Research

With well over 15 published PubMed studies supporting the benefits of MonaLisa Touch treatments the vast number of positive internet found customer reviews have firm scientific validation.

Studies not only confirm significant improvement or even resolution of vaginal atrophy symptoms, they also support the benefits of MonaLisa Touch are long lasting.

3 MonaLisa Touch treatments are commonly recommended however studies also show 4 or even 5 may be used for complete regression of vaginal atrophy symptoms. After 5 MonaLisa Touch laser treatments 81% of patients reported complete regression of painful intercourse, 86% reported complete resolution of vaginal dryness and most importantly patient’s vaginal health index score was restored to non-atrophic values in 100% of patients.

Fat Cavitation

Fat Cavitation – How to Get Rid of Stubborn Body Fat

Are you one of those people who only need to look at chocolate cake to pile on the kilos? Truth is until you reduce the number of fat cells you have, your body will be pre-dispositioned to hoarding and storing fat. The more fat cells you have the more efficient your body is at storing fat.

Which is your problem area? Your arms? Tummy? Thighs?

Fat cavitation can help. Fat cavitation is an effective treatment aimed at confronting the cause of stubborn body fat ultimately reducing the number of fat cells and therefore making it harder for your body to stockpile chocolate cake calories.

How Does Fat Cavitation Work?

Choose fat cavitation as the solution for your stubborn areas of body fat and you will be benefiting from a non-invasive, sound based therapy. Fat cavitation treatments use a type of sound wave called ultrasonic – a high energy, low frequency sound wave which is mostly un-hearable by humans.

Ultrasound procedures carried out during pregnancy use a very similar technology and in fact fat cavitation procedures look, feel and are performed almost identically.

When fat cells are exposed to ultrasonic energy of the right frequency, they become energised with heat and vibration ultimately absorbing enough energy to cause their destruction. Once fat cells expire your body is able to naturally flush them away using lymphatic drainage.

The Benefits

Fat cavitation treatments are able to not only reduce the number of fat cells your body carries, but also tighten skin in the areas left behind. A vitally important benefit for optimum results. All fat cavitation treatments can;

  • Tighten skin
  • Reduce cellulite
  • Contour
  • Reduce body size i.e. circumference of treated area

How Long Does Fat Cavitation Take to Work?

Fat cavitation treatments begin to work on a biological level from your very first procedure with some results even being visible. Optimum and good results are most commonly seen after 5 to 8 sessions with circumference reduction being showing by your 5thfat cavitation procedure. Up to 12 sessions may be used for best results.

The number of treatments you require will depend on the body part being treated in addition to your age, weight and lifestyle.

Fat Cavitation Side Effects

Opting for a fat cavitation treatment means you benefit from the safety of non-invasive fat removal with no downtime and no associated pain. In fact the only sensations you’re likely to experience are the cool feeling of the gel used to glide the fat cavitation applicator and a slight buzzing in your ears or teeth. Facts which enable all fat cavitation treatments to have minimal to no side effects.

Fat Cavitation Before and After

A tailored treatment plan can lead to significant Fat cavitation results – centimetres of circumference can be lost in a series of fat cavitation treatments, leading to noticeable before and after results.

The benefits of fat cavitation can also be enhanced with a healthy diet and lifestyle in-between treatments. Specifically staying well hydrated and maintaining a consistent exercise plan. Maintaining this approach after treatment will ensure your results are long lasting.

Is Fat Cavitation the Right Treatment For Me?

Fat cavitation is able to be used on all body parts making it a helpful fat removal tool for all body types. If you’ve recently lost weight but find healthy diet and lifestyle is unable to touch stubborn areas of body fat – fat cavitation treatments are right for you. If you want to kick-start your healthy diet and lifestyle with a partnering fat reduction treatment – fat cavitation might be right for you.


TriLipo: Does It Work?

TriLipo promises many great things. Fat reduction, cellulite improvement and instant, non-invasive results. For a 20 to 30 minute treatment the before and after results sound too good to be true. Does TriLipo work? If you invest in a TriLipo treatment how quickly will you see results? What is TriLipo?

We Investigate…

What Is Trilipo?

Gone are the days when your only option for fat removal was liposuction. Anaesthetic was needed, a surgical team would be involved and there’d be significant bruising and pain afterwards. It made the decision to better your self-confidence a hard one to make.

After all, a general anaesthetic comes with risk.

TriLipo treatments erase this. No anaesthetic is needed and no surgical team need be present.

Instead TriLipo delivers fat killing energy through your skin, breaking it down to allow your body’s drainage system to whisk it away.

How Does TriLipo Work?

Effective fat removal requires a combination of 3 things. Destruction of fat cells, removal of fat cells and tightening of your skin. It’s easy to forget this third necessity, but obvious once you read it. Without skin tightening, cellulite dimples may still be obvious and skin sagging encouraged. One devil is exchanged for another.

TriLipo treatments tackle all 3 necessities of fat removal.

Radio frequency energy increases your body’s fat metabolism leading to fat destruction.

Dynamic Muscle Activation lifts and lowers layers of skin to stimulate your body’s natural fat drainage system (you may know this as your lymphatic system).

Dermal reaching RF energy immediately tightens existing collagen fibres while accelerating their regeneration for long term skin tightening.

Tick. Tick and tick. TriLipo if delivered in an effective and tailored treatment plan may be exactly the non-invasive fat removal treatment you’ve been waiting for.

Who Would Benefit from a TriLipo Treatment?

Have you lost weight to now find yourself plagued by pockets of belly fat? Did you quickly see dieting results only to be greeted by under-arm/under-bra rolls? Do you eat well and exercise regularly to see no effect on left-over areas of your pre-health kick body?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions, TriLipo treatments are your solution.

They’re also exponentially more kind on your post health kick-body. TriLipo offers a fat removal solution with minimal health risk. No anaesthetic. No post-surgery antibiotics. No invasive wounds to heal away.

Does TriLipo Work?

You won’t be waiting long to see TriLipo before and after results because TriLipo fat reduction is visible from the very first treatment. The dual combination of RF technology and Dynamic Muscle Activation ensures both instant and long-lasting results.

The one difference between traditional liposuction and non-invasive TriLipo is in your treatment plan. Where liposuction hits hard in one surgery, TriLipo is gentler and requires a treatment plan of on average 6 appointments. Gradual and building results which work with your body to ensure an effective outcome.

Want to learn more about TriLipo treatments? Interested to understand how many would be needed for your left-over, stubborn areas of body fat? Contact our team of friendly clinicians today on 1300 199 916 to discuss.


Venus Viva

Venus Viva: What Can It do For Your Skin?

The Venus Viva is your answer to a brighter, even, smooth, radiant skin tone regardless of your skin type or colour. If you have rough, toothpick, indented or hyper-pigmented acne scarring, the Venus Viva offers a solution. If you have enlarged pores or stretch marks, the Venus Viva offers a solution. If you have deep wrinkles, skin laxity and poor skin texture, the Venus Viva offers a solution.

…and it can benefit your skin in all of these ways with minimal side effects and downtime.

What Is the Venus Viva?

Your skin is your body’s first defence against everything your environment has to throw at it. Every day it defends you against UV radiation, protects you from dehydration, and shields you from damaging pollution particles. It stops bacteria, viruses and skin infections. It holds you together so you can go boss.

Most of the time you can ignore your skin and let it do its job. Sometimes it needs attention and rejuvenation.

Too much exposure to UV light can cause hyperpigmentation. Growth spurts and weight changes can provoke stretch marks. Age and the environment can cause rough skin tone and deep, trough like wrinkles.

All of which can be rejuvenated with effective and tailored skin resurfacing – the unique benefit of all Venus Viva treatments.

Wherever you have a blip on your complexion and for whatever the reason, a Venus Viva treatment can help smooth, brighten and even.

How Does a Venus Viva Treatment Work?

The reason why Venus Viva treatments are so effective at combating even the toughest of skin irregularities i.e. pigmentation is a direct result of its active technology – nanofractional radio frequency.

Most resurfacing techniques focus and treat from the top layers of your skin, causing peeling, irritation and side effects. Venus Viva treatments use micro pins to deliver energy into deeper underlying levels safeguarding your skin integrity.

When nanofractional radio frequencies are delivered to your target areas of skin concern, they trigger skin healing, collagen building and increased skin metabolism. This is why and how Venus Viva treatments are effective for even severe areas of skin damage.

Venus Viva Review

The many skin benefits of a nanofractional RF treatment are not just noticeable from before and after photos, they’re also clinically proven. Take a look at these outcomes;

  • 4 weeks after treatment, total area, length and width of stretch marks were significantly decreased
  • Over 96% of patients were satisfied or very satisfied with skin texture improvements
  • Over 93% of patients were satisfied or very satisfied with skin imperfection size improvements e.g. acne scars/pigmentation

Clinical studies also support Venus Viva’s active technology, nanofractional radio frequency as very effective for improving skin pigmentation – a much harder to tackle skin concern.

Venus Viva vs. Fraxel

If before reading this article, you were not aware of Venus Viva skin resurfacing treatments, you’d most likely turn to fraxel technology aka laser skin resurfacing. This is where VV treatments really win out.

Fraxel skin resurfacing has a 2 to 4 week downtime period. Venus Viva skin resurfacing has a 3 to 5 day downtime. Fraxel skin resurfacing is not recommended for dark skin types. Venus Viva skin resurfacing is safe for use on all skin types. Fraxel may make skin pigmentation worse, or in fact cause it, Venus Viva has minimal side effects and can be used to treat and reverse uneven skin pigmentation.

Interested in a Venus Viva treatment? Contact our team today on 1300 788 800 to register your interest. We’re currently considering adding this treatment to our Advanced Dermatology Sydney clinic, your feedback could make the difference. Advanced Dermatology is located in Bondi Junction, Sydney.


Freezing your Fat Away with Coolsculpting

Coolsculpting is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction that removes fat from areas on the body by utilising controlled cooling to remove fat. This is an FDA and TGA cleared procedure that has no downtime, so regular activities may be performed after the procedure has taken place. The Coolsculupting treatment is ideal for those who want to get rid of stubborn unwanted fat from their body which exercise and dieting has not been able to help. Typically, this applies to those that are within 5 to 10 kilograms of their targeted weight goal. This procedure was not designed for those that are excessively overweight. It should not be performed on anyone that suffers from Cryoglobulinemia or Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria. It was created by scientist at Harvard for persons looking to lose stomach fat. Over 1.5 million treatments have been performed worldwide.

How does Coolsculpting work?

Cooling technology is used to effectively and gently target fat in specific areas on the body. The fat will be eliminated with no incisions or anesthesia. An applicator will be applied to the skin’s surface, delivering controlled cooling to the treatment area. The fat cells will be eliminated through the body’s natural metabolic process. None of the fat cells will be burned or shattered, nor will the cells be extracted. The skin cells will remain healthy as only the fat cells will be frozen to the point of elimination.

How long does Coolsculpting take to see results?

After one session of Coolsculpting, results of fat loss can be seen. It will take the body a few months to produce the full effect, as it will take the body this long to eliminate the fat cells. Within a period of 4 months, the treated area will decrease in size. After 4 months, another session may be performed.

What areas on the body can Coolsculpting be used?

Coolsculpting can be used on the abdomen, inner thighs, outer thighs, flanks, and the arms.

Is there pain associated with Coolsculpting?

Intense cold and pressure can be felt during a session. This does not last very long. The procedure may cause tingling to the skin. Some patients have reported not feeling anything at all. Anesthetic or medications before and after the treatment can be offered.

Are there any side effects? What are the benefits?

Side effects include redness of the treatment area, tingling, stinging, a little pain, swelling, and bruising. These are only seen for a short amount of time.

Benefits of Coolsculpting:

  • Convenient- The procedure will be based off the area that is being treated, so treatment may take 1 hour or more. It is often performed during lunch hours, so the patient can return back to work. Napping, reading a book or magazine, or doing work on a laptop is often done during the procedure, as the patient is allowed to either sit up or lay down.
  • Visible results- Results are seen in as little as 4 weeks after the treatment.
  • No surgery or downtime- Unlike the tummy tuck or liposuction, Coolsculpting does not involve any knives or surgical time. Exercising and daily activities can be performed immediately after treatment.

How does Coolsculpting compare to liposuction and tummy tucks?

Coolsculpting does not have as fast of results as liposuction or a tummy tuck. Coolsculpting will remove between 25 to 30% of fat in the desired treatment area, while liposuction can remove 60 to 75% fat. More treatments will be needed to remove the same amount of fat from the Coolsculpting procedure, and not all areas of the body can be done, such as the chin. Tummy tucks do not have limits on how much fat is removed from the tummy.

Q-switched Laser

The Gold Standard In Tattoo Removal: Why Q-switched Laser Treatments Work

PLEASE NOTE: Advanced Dermatology does not provide tattoo removal treatments. This article is for education and information purposes only.

There aren’t many decisions you have to live with for life, don’t let an impulse tattoo be one of them. Is it a partner’s name? A teenage best friend’s tattoo? A sleeve with no meaning? Whatever your past inking mistakes may be, don’t let them define you. Especially when a simple Q-switched laser treatment plan can give you the power to decide.

What Is a Tattoo?

It’s a simple question but understanding what your tattoo is, will help you decide on an effective tattoo removal treatment. When you get inked, a tattoo pen uses a needle to lay ink into the deeper layers of your skin – the dermis. The tattoo pen’s needle goes through many layers of your skin to make sure your chosen ink colours do not shed away in 30 days (the normal renewal period of your skin’s top layers).

After adding a new tattoo to your collection it’s your skin’s immune response which ensures tattoos can become lifelong friends. When activated by the initial trauma, immune responding cells soak up the tattoo colours becoming persistent in your skin to this day.

An effective tattoo removal such as the gold standard Q-switched laser breakup these immune collected hordes of dye to allow your skin’s normal drainage system to sweep them away.

What Is a Q-switched Laser Treatment?

Q-switched laser treatments use laser light to breakdown the dye of your tattoo. The magic is in the type of light used, selected so that only the dye of your tattoo absorbs it. Your skin is kept safe while your tattoo is broken down.

Q-switched laser treatments are considered the gold standard in tattoo removal because they can selectively target all the types of light needed to breakdown even the hardest to remove tattoo colours. Dark tattoos can now be removed and bright colour vanished without scarring. Q-switched laser treatments target the right type of light, for the right amount of time with the right amount of power. Bottom line: Q-switched laser tattoo removal works.

How Does a Q-switched Laser Remove Tattoos?

Imagine freshly painted nails (men allowed too). Each nail has an even and glossy coating of polish. If you painted your nails and kept them locked in a glass cabinet, your polish would last a very long time. Effective but impractical. Now, imagine what happens in real life… daily knocks, showers and impacts gradually cause your nail polish to flake away.

This is how a Q-switched laser tattoo removal treatment works. Your tattoo is like varnished nails locked behind a glass screen. It requires a few metaphorical knocks and impacts to break it down letting your body’s lymph system drain it away.

How Quick Is Tattoo Removal?

When you visit our clinic for your tattoo removal, the time we will treat you with the q-switched laser will be brief… but your results will not be instant. This is important to know. While Q-switched laser technology breaks down the dye of your tattoos, it’s your immune system which acts to carry it away. This can take weeks to show you before and after results. It’s also likely you will need a course of Q-switched laser treatments for gold-standard results, it’s the best way to ensure the health of your skin.


Pollogen Legend: Walk in With Wrinkles, Walk Out With Firm, Voluminous Skin

As your skin matures it loses volume. This is natural but not unstoppable. Skin that is left uncared and untreated, laxes. Fine lines and wrinkles set in, crow’s feet begin, jowls develop. Skin that is pushed and pulled during your sleeping hours, stays pushed and pulled for longer. Skin is less resilience to creasing, denting and ageing.

However, your skin doesn’t have to be this way thanks to a not so well known technology called the Pollogen Legend.

Why Does Skin Lax?

Your skin is designed to be wrinkle free, frim and voluminous. Trouble is, life gets in the way of this ideal skin biology. UV light degrades your collagen networks, pollution affects your skin’s elastin structure and improper cleansing, dry weather and more deplete your skins active hyaluronic acid levels.

All 3 are very important to the health of your skin.

  • Collagen acts like skin scaffolding.
  • Elastin gives a rubber band rebound.
  • Hyaluronic acid hydrates, plumps and smooths your skin.

When all 3 are in prime condition, your skin is firm, voluminous and youthful. When all 3 are age and environment affected, your skin is prone to fine lines and wrinkles, skin laxing, jowls and the spectrum signs of ageing.

How Can a Pollogen Legend Treatment Help?

The short story is this, a pollogen treatment re-teaches your skin to be healthy, youthful and voluminous – naturally. There’s no injection of foreign ingredients, there’s no filler, there’s no irritating peel. All of which means a Pollogen Legend treatment is respectful and nurturing of your skin’s in built biology.

Why work against your skin when you can work with it? Give something to your skin and you’ll need to keep giving it, to get the same effect. Teach your skin how to get that thing itself and it can continue to do it, independently.

These are the principles of all Pollogen Legend treatments.

How Does the Pollogen Legend Work?

A Pollogen Legend treatment can tighten your skin, reduce fine lines, volumise and plump your complexion, resurface rough skin texture, renew skin structure, firm, lift and rejuvenate. Results are visible as soon as your treatments complete and will continue to get better for weeks after.

Here’s how it works.

A Pollogen Legend treatment does not rely on one technology for great results. Instead It combines 3 great technologies for outstanding results.

A pollogen treatment uses micro-needle technology, non-invasive radio frequency energy and dynamic muscle activation. In human speak, a Pollogen Legend treatment creates invisible to the naked eye micro-wounds to activate your skin’s very effective, natural healing processes.

Your skin knows how to be healthy and youthful, sometimes it just needs a jig in the right direction. This is how a pollogen treatment works.

Pollogen Treatment Benefits

The aim of all our Pollogen Legend treatments is to firm and sculpt your skin naturally. We understand you want anti-ageing results which look just like you and by re-energising your skin’s natural biology, this is exactly what a pollogen treatment delivers. As it works with your skin, all pollogen treatments are also suitable for delicate areas.

Will the Pollogen Legend Hurt?

When you invest in a pollogen treatment, all you need to do is walk in on your lunch break and walk out just after. It’s non-surgical with no downtime and minimal discomfort. Teaching your skin to renew and rejuvenate itself does not require surgery or significant pain. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you it does.

Interested to book your first Pollogen Legend treatment? Contact a member of our trained team to discuss, question or book on 1300 199 916.