MiraDry Treatment
*This article is for educational purposes only and accurate as of October 2014. It does not form medical advice and does not relate to any treatments performed at Advanced Dermatology. Whilst we have evaluated the machine, we do not perform MiraDry treatment.
Miradry is a treatment that was approved by the FDA in January 2011 to reduce excessive underarm sweating. This procedure reduces sweat by up to 82%. Excessive underarm sweating is known as axillary hyperhidrosis. Axillary hyperhidrosis effects about 1% of adults with men and woman being effected equally. Stress and anxiety can play a huge role in hyperhidrosis, and it is believe to be a neurological response.
How does Miradry work?
Miradry works by delivering a controlled electromagnetic energy under the skin in the underarm region. Prior to treatment, the skin will be marked to help guide the treatment. Local anesthesia will be administered to keep individual comfortable. A hand held device is used to eliminate the sweat glands, while the top two layers of skin are cooled and protected. These sweat glands that are eliminated will not grow back, and the results are seen immediately. The results last since the glands will not grow back.
It is recommended that two sessions be done, spaced out three months apart. Miradry has a typical cost of $2,500 to $3,000 for two sessions, however, the price can vary due to where the treatment is being provided and who is performing the procedure. Treatment takes about 40 minutes to do.
What are the benefits to Miradry?
There are many benefits to having Miradry treatment done. One of the biggest benefits is the procedure is long lasting. This means an individual will not have to have repeat treatments to keep from excessively sweating. The procedure is very safe to do, and is non-invasive, meaning no cuts or incisions. There is no downtime associated with Miradry, as an individual can resume their daily activities after the procedure is completed, and start exercising again within a few days. Using Miradry, there has been a high patient satisfaction.
How safe is Miradry? Is there anyone that should not use this procedure?
Miradry is a very safe procedure for adults age 18 and over. It does not penetrate the skin too deep, and the electromagnetic energy is controlled. There has not been any reported incidences of fat loss or leaving a patient with loose skin. If anything, the procedure will tighten up the skin a bit. Only about 2% of sweat glands are located in the underarm region, so the body will still be able to cool itself properly. The procedure has been proven to be safe and effective in over 6,000 individuals.
An individual is a good candidate for Miradry is there are embarrassing sweat outbreaks, frequently has to apply antiperspirant, or has stained clothing due to excessive sweating. Miradry is not recommended for individuals that have a pacemaker, who need supplemental oxygen, or have a resistance of intolerance of local anesthesia.
Miradry uses anesthesia. Does Miradry hurt?
While each individual is different, Miradry has little pain. Many patients give it a pain rating of 2, based on a 1 to 10 rating with 10 being the most pain. There may be some slight pressure on the skin, and it will be slightly pulled. There will also be a warming sensation, with an occasional hot spot that only last for a few seconds.
After the treatment, the physician or dermatologist may recommend a pain reliever. Ice packs may also be used to keep the individual comfortable. There may be some localized swelling or soreness, which is completely normal and will subside in a few weeks. There may be a short term altered sensation in the skin of the underarms, but this will gradually go away.
What results should an individual expect?
Most individuals will see an improvement in the sweating as soon as the treatment is over. Underarm sweat is reduced on average by 82%.
*All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. miraDry is the trademark of the Miramar Labs Inc. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.
I have done injections under my arms for a few years but wanted something more to control the excessive sweating. The injections worked well but were not long term and every 4 months I had to go in for more. I finally decided to do Miradry. I did my first treatment and go in next week for my second one. I can tell a huge difference already. I am not sweating like I used to. It is such a relief to not have to worry about it. I can actually enjoy life now, without having to worry are my arm pits sweating too much? I am half way there but so far it is feeling pretty good not to be so self conscious about myself. I wish that this was invented years ago. It could have helped me out so much during my high school days!
I am a 34 year old male who sweats excessively. In high school and college, I thought I just sweat so much because I was very active. I ran in track, played basketball and football and worked out like crazy. Now, I realize that this is not normal and I need something done. I get tired of having to change my shirt a few times a day and putting on antiperspirant really does not help that much. I have even resorted to taking a shower two or three times a day. I am embarrassed by it. I even lost a girl due to the fact that she found it to be rather gross that I sweat that much. Which I really do not blame her because it is gross! I just want to be normal and do not see myself that way. I would love to have this procedure done. I am glad that I found this because I am at a point in my life that I am tired of fighting it. One can only shower so many times and change shirts in one day. I have a mini closet in my car too because I fear that if I don’t keep extra clothes in the car, I will need a shirt and not have anything to change into. Miradry sounds like it would be the perfect procedure for me.
Miradry has a huge success rating. I did it and am so glad that I did have the treatments done. Never in my life have I been happier. I used to sweat all the time. I was so worried that someone was going to smell me! I shied away from many things, like going on dates or walking in the park with my dog because I did not want others to see me sweating. I even attended college courses online. I finally decided one day that enough was enough and that this was not living. I went to my doctor and he told me about Miradry. At first I did not think that something so simple could do so much to stop the sweating. But trust me, it really worked. I had the two sessions done and after just the first one, I noticed an improvement. The procedure was not really uncomfortable for me. I just sat there and thought about how great it would be not to have huge armpit stains on my shirts, or how I might just be able to go for walks in the park with my dog! The pain was minimal I felt. If you have excessive sweating, do check into this. It will get your life back!
I would like to know about miradry and the cost for two treatments and how much I would sweat after those treatments