Body sculpting
Your Guide to: Non-surgical Body Sculpting
Body sculpting is a broad field of cosmetic treatments and procedures geared at helping both men and women achieve a slimmer and more toned and contoured physical appearance. Body sculpting procedures are non-surgical, which means that they offer an array of benefits, and makes them appealing to a greater group of prospective patients.
Because of this, as well as the effectiveness of some of today’s most popular procedures, bodysculpting is quickly growing. In this guide, you will learn more about some of the leading types of bodysculpting, along with other important information you may need.
Body sculpting vs. Liposuction
Is bodysculpting the same as liposuction? While in some cases, the end results and the goals of the patient are similar, these are very different types of procedures. It is important to understand how they are different, and when each one should be used or avoided.
The first and most important thing to note is that bodysculpting is an entire field of treatments, all of which are non-surgical and minimally invasive or non-invasive. Liposuction, on the other hand, is a surgical procedure. Even the more technologically advanced versions of liposuction that offer shortened recovery times and reduced risk, are still surgical procedures.
This means that body sculpting carries a number of important advantages as compared to liposuction. You do not have to deal with any of the potential risks of complication or side effect due to anaesthesia or any other aspect of the surgery. Procedures are quick and are relatively easy. They do not require much recovery time, if any, and do not require hospital stays. Bodysculpting procedures also cost less than liposuction.
All of these reasons help to explain why bodysculpting is such a popular choice – more affordable, easier, less risky, and yet effective and successful.
It should be noted that most bodysculpting procedures are not designed for individuals who are significantly overweight or obese, or for those who still in the midst of losing a great deal of weight. Bodysculpting treatments are for individuals who are already at a stable weight.
Body sculpting targets specific areas on the body to remove stubborn fatty deposits that have been resistant to proper nutrition and exercise.
Types of Body Sculpting Treatments
Mesotherapy utilises injections of a wide range of ingredients and compounds directly into subcutaneous fat, designed to target adipose fat cells and produce rupture and cell death.
LipoDissolve (Lipolysis)
Lipolysis utilises localised injections to introduce medications and vitamins into the body which are specifically used to dissolve fatty cellular walls. The destroyed cells are naturally metabolised and excreted from the system.
LipoSonix uses high-intensity ultrasound energy waves to target fat cells and tissue and destroy them.
CoolSculpting (Cryolipolysis)
CoolSculpting is a procedure in which fatty tissues are targeted by localised cooling which causes cell death to subcutaneous fat without damaging skin or other tissue.
Cellulite Treatments
There is a huge array of procedures that are designed to reduce cellulite. The goal is to produce a smoother and tighter appearance to the skin in specific areas including buttocks, thighs and abdomen.
Though this is just a quick overview of some of the most well known types of bodysculpting, there are many other types of procedures and treatments available. As with any medical procedure, be sure to consult with a medical clinic that you trust to determine the best course of action based upon your own needs, preferences and circumstances.
The good news is that there is a solution for just about everybody today. As you continue your research, be sure to consider the potential cost of treatment, any risks or side effects, the effectiveness and the ultimate end goal of different procedures.
For more information on body sculpting procedures contact Advanced Dermatology Bondi Junction, Sydney at 1300 700 788
For the first time in my life I had body sculpting procedure. I had this laser fat removal procedure in Sydney 1 week ago, I did two treatments on my lower abdomen. I think I am almost back to my normal size from the swelling going down but the next few weeks will let me know if it was worth it or not, and felt like I had done a lot of research before getting it done. I did my research online to find a best plastic surgeon in Sydney. I failed to research the “after” effects. The swelling, nerve pain and numbness are nothing to take lightly. I am very uncomfortable but am hopeful that as the days pass this will subside. I have a second treatment scheduled 4 weeks after the first. Just hopeful to rid my tummy through ultrasonic body contouring. Obviously if I have good results it will be worth it, but the residual tummy ache is not fun. Apparently this is the hardest part of recovery, so maybe in a few days my opinion will be more positive and I am hopeful for it.
I had my first treatment of ultrasonic Body Sculpting in Sydney, Australia last Week! I am so excited! Recently I haven’t heard of a way that I could have permanently reduced the amount of fat around my lower abdomen without having to go through an invasive body contouring and costly procedure like Liposuction. To be honest I have this little bit of fat left over from my weight loss that I just couldn’t get rid of. I know that bump just peeks out causing me to look like. I stuffed a small pillow down the front of my pants; I know how I look…! It is not pretty people! I have lived this way for very long time, with my weight going up and down and my war with weight loss raging on. I finally had the opportunity to try a new procedure called “Body Sculpting” a non-Invasive procedure that can be used anywhere on your body to help reduce your body fat in areas that are hard or in my case nearly impossible to lose. Now I am very happy with the great results I have achieved with this procedure. Thanks to my surgeon who is one of the best plastic surgeons in Sydney.
I am a 31 years old, 5′.5″ & 63kg. I was lucky to find a good plastic surgeon in Sydney. I had body sculpting in Sydney for the first time in my life. Because I have always had troubled areas on my inner thighs and lower abdominal that diet and exercise could not get rid of. If you are unsure of getting body sculpting procedure because of the pain factor let me start off by saying I was too however this procedure was not painful at all for me. The first applicator doctor put on was the smaller applicator for my thigh. It sucked my fat & skin into the contraption kind of like a vacuum. It did not hurt at all and I just felt kind of strange and I was so relieved that this would be the only “pain/ discomfort” described. The areas which were treated are extremely cold to the touch. My Doctor did the small applicator to the other leg and I had the same outcome as the other thigh. I do feel like I will see results to my thighs and I am happy to see the improvements.
No matter how much weight I lose, I still have that fat on my lower abs and thighs. I’ve lost 60+ pounds with exercise and other stuff and I’m close to my ideal body weight. I got a chance to meet a plastic surgeon in Sydney few weeks ago. He recommended me body sculpting to get the required results. Finally I was prepared for it and I had the best body sculpting procedures in Sydney last Thursday. I didn’t have any problem with the suction and cooling. Massage afterward – HOLY HECK!! That hurt but it increases the results that I was looking for.
The wrap afterward helped a lot & I was back on the street 30 minutes after I was done with liposculpture in Sydney. Like others my belly button is sore & the area below my lower abs is tender but it doesn’t bother me. Now I feel very comfortable in a girdle – yes just like my Mom wears. I feel more active and smart. Some slight cramping but as a woman, it’s nothing! Overall I am very satisfied with this procedure.
I am 32 years old. 1 child via c-section. I am getting my lower abs done with 2 small applicators. The consultant recommended using 2 smaller applicators instead of the one large one because I am narrow-small frame. I have always been an apple shape meaning I have always carried weight around the belly but after I had my baby I ended up with so much more fat around my belly and I couldn’t fit into any of my old clothing. I exercise 3-5 days a week and eat somewhat healthy and managed to lose 20 lbs of the pregnancy weight but still have 10 pounds to go. My belly fat is so stubborn it won’t react to any exercise and diet. So I decided to have the body sculpting procedure. So far so good, I’m optimistic about it. I am going to do my exercise to 5-6 days a week and eat healthier.
As an avid fan of working out and exercise, I have always been into the natural ways of molding your body parts. If you want a flat belly, you have exercises for that, if you’d like definition you can do that, so you have a choice what you’d like. There is a variety of body sculpting workouts that you can do, but this is a good alternative for those lazy ones, I know, I had students of my own who were never able to motivated themselves hard enough. Female body sculpting is a better choice because you are not undergoing surgical interventions, which is better for the body itself, because it doesn’t go through that much stress. Liposuction is for cases where you have gained so much weight and have flabs of fat hanging from your body, that’s a different story.
I think many of women today think that body sculpting for women is some kind of a dangerous procedure, when actually it’s a series of great methods to achieve the look you want without having to go through body sculpting exercises on a daily basis. Liposuction is great too, laser lipo is available also. Why spend your entire time stuck in a stuffy gym when a visit to a clinic, or a couple of visits can get you the perfect beach body you’d like.
I had several treatments of lipodissolve and I am more than happy with the results. There is definitely improvement, especially on my legs and behind. When I take my clothes of, I don’t feel that insecurity because of the so-called orange skin. My friends say that they can’t even see it now, whereas before it was visible on first look.
Since we are mentioning great ways to lose weight and to tone yourself, can anyone suggest a body sculpting diet that is not difficult to continue through and that actually works. It would be much easier to get tone and body sculpting as a cosmetic procedure wouldn’t be necessary with the right nutrition.
I used several fat burners, you know, like the ones that you take and you’re supposed to not have fat anymore. Well, they don’t work. And as for body sculpting Sydney has so many different doctors and clinics, and all these ways to get that fat out of your body. A body sculpt is something to be proud of, and I have heard a lot of great stuff about Lipodissolve and CoolSculpting. As I understand it, I might be wrong so correct me if I am, Lipodissolve is a kind of liquid lipo and cool sculpting is a method that uses some sort of cooling, but I don’t exactly know through what. And they both claim to cut down your waist size, and melt the fat away…
After my rapid weight loss, I had trouble with the fat that was stuck on my arms, and stomach, and not just that, every other part of my body, and I’m not exaggerating at all. I’m not ashamed to say it! We’re all human beings, and for a long time I didn’t care about my body, I ate what came under my way! Until I met a wonderful guy that was really sweet about telling me to take care of my health first, and he actually made me understand what a terrible thing I was doing to myself and my body. So, I was reading this article online and he asked me ‘what is body sculpting?’ We looked through all the non surgical options together, because he doesn’t believe in surgery, and neither do I know, and we decide to consult a specialist. I love the Internet, but I am going to consult someone who actually does these things before I choose anything at all. Hopefully, I don’t slip and I don’t continue with my old ways, but I feel like body sculpting is going to motivate me more like my boyfriend did as well! It’s important to stay motivated!
You don’t really need a special female body sculpting diet, as long as you choose one of these babies. I am thrilled and more than that with liposonix, since it really did prove to be as good as it claims. Nothing was exaggerated, and it gets you to the point where you want to be. It’s light on your skin, and you don’t even feel it, I didn’t have any of the symptoms or side effects, and I feel lucky for that. Nothing burnt or was sore, I didn’t swell…It’s fast and it doesn’t hurt, and after a while you do see your body change its shape. Depends where, and which area you targeted, but it does trim you down significantly.
As far as the money, I think every penny is worth it, because it’s fast and saves you the pain and hassle of surgery, and it doesn’t put you in unnecessary risks if you just need to be slimmer a bit, and look prettier. That’s important.
Hi. I’m Clara and I come from Perth, I accidentally found this website. I am into bodybuilding and body sculpting competitions. I think a woman’s body is a work of art, and women should flaunt it and make it as beautiful as possible. So I don’t really understand women who let themselves go to the point where none of these procedures work for you. Neither surgical or non surgical liposuction treatments work for some, isn’t that insane?
For women body sculpting shouldn’t be a series of procedures, it should be a joy to take care of your physique… However, I know some of my friends who are into the same kind of things as I am, needed mesotherapy, and had it done, because there were some areas that attracted fat, due to poor nutrition or genetics, who knows, but these non surgical methods were a success. If you can’t have a perfect body without surgery or procedures of any kind, then resort to one.
I personally love body sculpting for women, because of its safety. There is no heavy consequence from the procedure, you don’t get heavily medicated like with invasive procedure, and that’s something people don’t take into consideration. Body sculpting goes by so fast, and you recover from it even faster. Everything about it was fast, fast, fast. It was a fast treatment, with fast results, and in today’s world that seems to be the most important factor for people.
Which one of the body sculpting treatments has been around the longest? That’s what I want to know. I don’t trust these high tech new treatments, I like the old stuff. The one that has been around the longest will probably have a lot of feedback from patients and will probably have a great rep, because if it remained long on the scene it has to have some quality to it. Is it mesotherapy? I am thinking it is, but if someone who really knows the topic could help me, I would really appreciate that.
I had liposuction done, it’s been almost five years. After the weight loss it was a saviour for my physical appearance. I can’t say it hasn’t helped me, it’s not that negative. And I am a terribly sensitive girl, if I went through it everyone can. We live in the 21st century, of course all of these procedures are for men two, as for body sculpting women tend to go more, because it’s less painful. If I were a man, I’d go for lipo, at any time without any doubt. It’s more permanent, I believe.
I want to get a detox diet before I go for lipodissolve treatments, can anyone suggest something effective and good so I can get the most out of my appointments. I don’t have money to waste, you know.
I was very confused when I first started reading this, I was like what is body sculpting, but then I realized. People, it’s not just one thing, it’s several things. You actually have a choice. But don’t base your decision off of an article that you read online. Make an appointment and consult a professional that has good references and great customer feedback. He or she will give you the best insight into what actually goes on, this online thing is just a sales pitch.
I found through my example a great routine. Figure out an awesome diet plan that works for you, or make it work for you, and stick to it for some time to get the proper weight loss. Then include a bit of exercise, for health purposes and for toning your skin and just waking up your body muscles. Then pick up the phone an schedule a consult with a doctor that can perform body sculpting. Since it is relatively unknown by people you might want to check out the places that actually perform these procedures. Get on it; find out whether some of these treatments work for you. It will give you the ultimate results. No fat, but you’ll be healthy, in shape and fit. Your waist will be tinier, and your skin will look far healthier than it did before. But only, and hear me, only if you combine all of these three things. One without the other doesn’t actually work, only together. They give magnificent results because they complement each other and make you more healthy and natural because of it.
ANY of these body sculpt methods is better than cosmetic surgery. That’s so obvious. It’s so much safer, in many aspects. Primarily, they are not invading your body. They are not cutting you open. It’s so much easier to recover and get better from anything that’s not surgery. These treatments are like having a cold, that’s how fast you get over it. Plus, it doesn’t cost nearly as much as any plastic surgery out there. And one more thing, plastic surgeries are so over, who needs the fake look and scars and bruises. I’m guessing no one, and if those big stars on TV suggest doing so, then let them do it. Don’t listen to everyone, people would say anything for getting advertisement money, you know. There is a solution, and the solution is never surgery.
I could be mistaken, but it’s not just female body sculpting, it can be for men too? Sometimes, as a man, I feel like I don’t have an option, and I’m not really sure whether this refers to men too. I had rapid weight loss and the last six months, after three years of struggling to lose weight. Who has lost weight, knows what a long and an exhausting process it can be. It can make you fall down and have little self-respect, and at times, you think that you will never have normal weight and function and look like normal people. That can be tough even on the most stable individual.
I’ve always considered myself a strong man, but somewhere after 25 I just neglected myself, stopped exercising, devoted myself to the office. I have a lovely family, but I didn’t really think of the weight, because the loved me just the way I am. Once I realized that my health was in danger, I did everything I could to lose weight, but I denied liposuction from the very beginning. I don’t like it and I don’t want it. Now, mesotherapy is working out great for me, I can’t complain. It’s really the right thing for people who don’t want to go under the knife, and I know that’s a cliché, but it’s true. Haven’t tried anything else yet, although some of these sound really modern and promising.
It’s a non surgical procedure, but think of the bigger picture. It’s a procedure. It’s not something that comes with the flow, it’s something made up by medicine. The best thing if you want to get in shape and shape your body is body sculpting diets and body sculpting exercises! That’s the key people! Not procedures, or cutting, or lasers, whatever it may be.