
Melt Away your Double Chin with Kybella Injections

Kybella is a treatment that is used to treat a double chin. This is a new procedure that does not involve any type of surgery. It is the latest FDA approved injectable that will help to not only reduce fat in the chin but also help to contour. Kybella is made from a deoxycholic acid that is synthetic. This is also naturally found in the body and will help break down the dietary fat. Once Kybella is injected into the chin, the fat cells are destroyed. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they will be unable to store any fat, resulting in a slimmer chin. Up to 50 injections will be given. The injections are spaced at least one month apart. Most people will see results with just two treatments, however, additional treatments may be needed depending on how much fat is present in the chin area. Results can be seen typically within weeks. One treatment will take between 15 to 20 minutes. Kybella was only produced to be injected into the chin. At this stage it has not been approved to treat other areas of your body, its generally effective only on small areas of fat deposits like a double chin. 

What are the side effects of Kybella?

Some side effects seen with Kybella include bruising, pain, numbness, swelling at the injection site, redness and areas of hardness where the treatment was performed. Serious side effects include trouble swallowing or a nerve injury that can cause facial muscle weakness or an uneven smile. Please note that this procedure should only be done by a trained health care professional, such as a dermatologist. It should not be injected into or near the marginal mandibular gland, lymph nodes, salivary gland, or the muscles. Injecting too close to these areas may result in tissue damage.

How soon are results seen?

Once the area has been injected, the fat will begin to dissolve in 10 to 15 minutes. Final results may not be seen for 4 weeks following the injection, as swelling may take 3 to 4 weeks to subside.

What is the recovery like?

After the procedure is done, there may be some tenderness and inflammation. This will typically subside in a day or two. Strenuous activities should be avoided for a few days to minimise bruising and swelling.

What is the cost of Kybella?

The price has not been determined yet for this treatment as it is relatively new. However, it is predicted for an 8ml treatment, the price range will be between $700 to $1000. Since it is a cosmetic procedure, it will not be covered by insurance plans.

Is there anyone who should not receive Kybella?

If you have an infection in the area where Kybella is injected, you should not receive the treatment. It is important to tell your doctor if you have had surgery on your face, neck or chin or plan to do so. Also let your doctor know if you have had any cosmetic treatments done on these areas, or if you suffer from any medical conditions in or around the neck area. It is important to tell your doctor if you have trouble swallowing or ever had any bleeding issues or if you are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant. It is equally as important to let your doctor know if you are breastfeeding or plan to soon breastfeed your child. It is not known at this time if Kybella will effect a baby or the breast milk.

When discussing Kybella with your doctor, you should also tell them about any vitamins and herbal supplements that are taken, as well as any medications, both prescription and over the counter. Make sure your doctor knows if you are taking a medication to help the blood clot.


Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a treatment that is used to treat acne, wrinkles, sun damaged skin, age spots, and rosacea. It can be used to treat the entire body for cases of eczema, neuropathy, muscle pain, nerve pain, joint issues, blood circulation, stiffness and more. There are two main kinds of red light therapy: light box therapy and targeted phototherapy. Light box therapy does not target a specific area of the body, while targeted phototherapy will treat specific areas of the body using an excimer laser. Red light therapy can be done at your skin specialist’s office or in the comfort of your own home. Salons will most generally offer red light therapy in tanning beds. This is a form of the light box therapy. Specific areas to be treated are generally done at a professionals office.

Red light therapy was discovered by NASA astronauts when they desired to grow plants in space. This type of therapy is used around the world in spas to help rejuvenate skin as well as in medical facilities to help heal cancer patients.

How does red light therapy work?

Red light therapy works by using an infrared light which will penetrate the skin to repair any damaged nerves and tissue under the skin. Energy will be delivered to the skin in bursts, which will make the skin heal from the inside out. None of the body’s tissues will be cut during this process. These wavelengths will be delivered between 630 to 660 nanometers. This damaged skin will be rejuvenated by energising the cells that help to boost collagen. Collagen is the protein found in the human body that essentially holds the body together and is found not only in the skin, but also the bones, muscles and tendons.

Red light therapy does take some time to see the effects. Daily treatments are often needed to see the desired results for the first few weeks of treatment, followed by 3 to 4 times per week after that. The skin will gradually be repaired over time. The results will be dependent on how damaged the skin is, how many treatments are used, what skin type a person has and the age of the patient receiving the treatment.

What are the benefits to using red light therapy?

There are many benefits to using red light therapy. To name a few, wrinkles can be reduced and the skin will be firmer. Acne scars can be treated using red light therapy. Redness and blemishes on the skin can be fought naturally using this kind of therapy.

Are there any risks with using red light therapy?

According to the TGA, there are not many side effects or risks associated with using red light therapy. However, it is recommended that those with photosensitivity use caution when using red light therapy. This treatment is not dangerous as it does not produce any wavelengths that are outside of the UV range. It is also equally important to discuss any medications and prescriptions that are being taken before beginning any red light therapy treatment with your skin specialist. Some of these medications can cause photosensitivity, which in turn will only damage the skin. Make mention of any vitamins as well that are used as this could also cause the body to be sensitive to any light.

Are at home red light therapy devices safe and effective to use?

At home red light therapy devices can be purchased over the counter. They can only treat small areas at a time, so they may not be the most effective. For best results with an at home red light therapy device, the person will need to sit still to be the most effective, often for longer periods of time.


Isolaz Acne Treatment Review

Isolaz is an acne treatment that helps fight acne at the root of the problem. This skin treatment will not only cleanse the pores, but purify the skin from the inside out and replenish the skin. The treatment is also referred to as Laser Skin Treatment and a Photopneumatics Treatment. Isolaz can be used on males or females, any skin type and any age. This FDA cleared treatment is very safe to use as a reliable means of remove acne from the skin. It can be used to treat acne on the face, as well as the chest and back.

What are the benefits of using Isolaz?

There are many benefits from using Isolaz. The treatment will:

  • Help to improve the skin’s texture
  • Reduce appearance of pore size
  • Decrease the number of acne spots
  • Remove oil, dirt and debris from the skin
  • Quick treatment that typically only takes 15 to 30 minutes
  • No downtime. You can return to regular activities following a treatment session
  • The feeling of the treatment is compared to a warm massage.
  • Immediate results
  • No pre-treatment medications or topical anesthetics used
  • Reduction of redness of acne after procedure is performed

Are there any side effects to Isolaz?

Isolaz is a safe treatment that does not have any side effects. There may be some slight redness after the treatment is over, but this only lasts about an hour. The procedure will not cause sensitivity to light like other treatments do.

How does Isolaz work?

Before the treatment begins, the face will be sprayed with water. The tip of the Isolaz device will be placed on the skin that needs the treatment, and the appropriate settings will be set based on the skin condition, skin type and body part being treated. There will be a gentle pressure applied and a warming sensation. The vacuum tip will draw out any dirt, oil, and debris and a flash of light will be applied. The tip will then be moved to another section that needs treatment and the process will start again. After the entire area has been treated, Profusion technology will be used to apply a topical skin care product to the treatment area. The vacuum tip will stretch the skin out gently as the product is being applied to the skin. A series of 4 to 6 treatments are generally needed, but you can discuss this with your skin specialist to tailor a specific treatment for your skin. The first 2 or 3 treatments are typically done every week, and then the remaining sessions are scheduled 2 weeks apart. To keep the skin looking it’s best, it is recommended that follow up treatments be done. For those with severe acne, it is recommended that treatment be done every 2 to 3 months while those with mild acne may have the procedure performed every 6 months.

After the treatment, normal activities can be resumed. There is no need for special skin care products but we do recommend using a good daily skin care routine such as cleansing your face and applying a good moisturiser.

Is Isolaz right for me?

You may wish to do Isolaz if you have very oily skin, blackheads, or your skin seems dull and just needs a “pick-me up”. If your skin is not responding to other acne treatments, then Isolaz can be used. If you break out a lot, have a desire for clear, radiant skin, or suffer from some breakouts, this acne treatment should be considered. The treatment can be used on any type of acne. It has been successfully used to treat mild to moderate acne, including comedonal acne and pustular acne. It has also been used to treat acne vulgaris (mild to moderate inflammatory acne).

You should not have Isolaz done if you have used Isotretinoin in the last 6 months, are predisposed to keloid formation or have excessive scarring, have poor wound healing, or have cancer (including pre-cancerous lesions, malignant melanoma or recurrent non-melanoma skin cancer).



Skincare Glossary: Oxybenzone

Oxybenzone is also known by trade names Milestab 9, Eusolex 4360, Escalol 567, and Kahscreen BZ-3. Oxybenzone is a benzophenone which means that is can be used to help to block UV rays from damaging photos and protect them from losing ink clarity. Benzophenones are also used in plastics to help with the same purpose. Being an organic compound and a solid that is white in color Oxybenzone is soluble in organic solutions.

Oxybenzone is most known for its use in sunscreen. It is able to absorb both short-wave UVA and UVB rays as an active ingredient in sunscreen. It is also used in hairspray, cosmetics and plastics for its ability to absorb ultraviolet light. Oxybenzone is also used as a photo stabilizer in nail polish. Oxybenzone is used as a photo-initiator and a photo-stabilizer. Synthetic resins require the use of oxybenzone as a photo-stabilizer. It protects color in photos over a wide span peaking at 350 nm. These resins can be used in plastics and create a long lasting color product.

Most oxybenzone is used by applying it topically to the skin. The skin then absorbs the lotion or solution. Once the skin has absorbed oxybenzone it is important to know that scientists have discovered that of the known UV filters oxybenzone is the least lipophilic. This means that it does not dissolve well once it is in the human body. Urine tests reveal that oxybenzone stays in the human system much longer than other substances. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention claim that around 97% of all Americans have some in there system because it takes so long to get rid of.

It is also known to contribute to coral bleaching and die off at the reefs. It is believed that 4,000 to 6,000 metric tons of sunscreen rinses off of beach goers every year. Oxybenzone is one of the four compounds that are blamed for the coral bleaching. Oxybenzone has a negative effect on zooxanthellae which is the component in algae that makes for its vibrant coloring. When coral is bleached it is no longer living.

A quarter of the people exposed to oxybenzone with photoallergic reactions had a negative reaction to the use of oxybenzone. The allergic reaction mimics eczema and lasts longer than your time in the sun. Treatments are avoidance and topical corticosteroids.

The Environmental Working Group has rated oxybenzone as an 8 on their 1 to 10 hazard scale. They list all of the products that contain oxybenzone and assign those products a safety rating.

Due to these findings, the use of oxybenzone is controversial and many think that it should be removed from the products that we use. The FDA approves the use of oxybenzone as long as it does not exceed 6% of the product and any product that has over 0.5% must have a label that states “contains Oxybenzone” in the European Union. Sweeden has banned the use of oxybenzone completely. Don’t mark oxybenzone as a do not use substance just yet. It is also one of the only agent known to work as effectively as it does against UV rays which are a cause for skin cancer. It was rumored as a hormone disruptor but the scientific proof does not substantiate this claim.

Popular products that contain oxybenzone are lipstick, moisturisers, lotions, hairspray, foundation, lip balm, and sunscreen. Popular brands that contain oxybenzone are L’Oreal Paris, Sally Hansen, Physicians Formula, Alba, All Terrain, Rituals, SolBar AVO, Panama Jack, and generic brands. It is important to check the labels of any products that you may be using to see if they contain oxybenzone. Carefully review the ingredients and know the side effects and allergies prior to using a product on yourself or a family member.


PLEASE NOTE: Advanced Dermatology does not provide tattoo removal treatments any longer. This article is for education and information purposes only.

PicoWay is a state of the art laser treatment that was designed to remove tattoos, as well as pigmentation. PicoWay comes from a highly trusted name in the laser business, Syneron Candela. This unique treatment utilises the dual wavelengths (1064nm and 532nm) in one laser treatment. The 1064 nm will help to remove the black, green, purple, blue, and brown inks, while the 532nm will remove red, orange, and yellows. It was cleared by the FDA in 2014.

It is estimated that 38% of woman and men between the ages of 18 and 29 years old have one tattoo or more. Of these with tattoos, up to half of these people have regretted getting a tattoo. Out of this percentage, only 11% consider having the tattoo removed, with only 6% having tattoo removal done.

What are the advantages to using PicoWay?

There are many advantages to using PicoWay. It is the first and only dual laser system utilising the PicoWay technology. Besides using the dual wavelengths that were described above, this laser treatment will treat a wide range of tattoos. It will even treat recalcitrant tattoos, and tattoos of most colours. The laser has the highest peak power and can treat both dermal and epidermal pigmented lesions. This means the laser can penetrate deep into the skin. The pulses on the PicoWay laser are 40% shorter, meaning there is less risk of side effects. The energy will break up the tattoo ink or pigmentation in the skin so it can easily be eliminated from the body. There is also less discomfort with this laser treatment with fewer treatments needing to be done.

Can all tattoos be treated using this laser treatment?

Yes, all tattoos can be treated using Picoway. This includes those tattoos that were done professionally, on an amateur level, traumatic tattoos and recalcitrant tattoos (these tattoos have been known to not perform very well with a nanosecond laser treatment). This laser treatment can be performed on all skin types without causing unwanted side effects, such as discolouration of the skin. The surrounding skin will also not be effected during this procedure.

How many treatments will one need?

The number of treatments will depend on how large the tattoo is, what inks were used, and how deep the tattoo was inked into the skin. At least 86% of patients had a 50% tattoo clearance after only 3 treatments.

Why is PicoWay better than a traditional laser?

PicoWay lasers deliver energy onto the skin in a much faster manner than a traditional laser, in a trillionth of a second rather than a millionth of a second. This will make the tattoo removal process not only more effective, but there will also be less damage to the skin, such as blistering, scarring, and dyspigmentation. Less heat will also be generated, which results in fewer side effects and less pain.

What does PicoWay feel like? Will it hurt?

The PicoWay laser treatment has some mild to moderate pain associated with the treatment. Many have compared it to feeling similar to getting the tattoo done. The technology that was used to develop this laser treatment was designed to reduce the amount of pain that is felt during a treatment, as well as reduce any swelling that is associated with tattoo removal.

How else can the PicoWay treatment be used?

Besides using the PicoWay treatment for tattoo removal, the procedure can also be used to treat pigmentation in some persons. This will include sun spots and pigmented birthmarks. Do note that this laser treatment should never be used to remove any sort of mole.

Electrolysis Hair Removal

How does the Electrolysis Hair Removal work?

PLEASE NOTE: Advanced Dermatology does not provide electrolysis treatment any longer. This article is for education and information purposes only. 

Electrolysis is a method used for removing hair on a person’s face or body. Areas that can be treated with electrolysis hair removal include face, eyebrows, abdomen, breasts, arms, underarms, back, chest, shoulders, thighs, and legs. A fine probe will be inserted into the hair follicle. An electric current will pass through the probe to destroy the follicle. Electrolysis is the only FDA approved method for permanently removing unwanted hair. A half an hour session will typically cost a person about $45.

How many electrolysis hair removal treatments will be needed?

The number of treatments for this method of hair removal will vary for each individual. Some find that weekly treatments are needed, while others will skip a week in between each session. One treatment will last anywhere from 15 minutes to one hour. Multiple sessions are needed as hair has three different growing stages (growing, resting, and shedding). Since all hair will not be in the same phase, a number of treatments are done to be the most effective hair removal. Once a series of electrolysis has been done, the hair will be permanently removed.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having electrolysis hair removal?

Electrolysis has a proven track record, with removing hair either permanently or for long periods of time. Many different skin and hair types can use electrolysis, as the pigment will not be targeted like a laser treatment. Those that can not have laser treatments done are good candidates for electrolysis hair removal.

Hair follicles that are bent can cause issues for those that have the electrolysis treatment. The hair follicles can be bent by waxing or tweezing that was previously done. This will make it harder for the needle to destroy the hair follicle. Another disadvantage is that multiple treatments are needed. On average, a person will need anywhere from 15 to 30 sessions to have permanent hair removal. The skin can also become discolored if the treatment is not applied correctly.

Does electrolysis hurt?

There may be pain associated with electrolysis. Each hair follicle on the body part having the procedure done will feel any pain that is associated with the treatment. Electrolysis has been reported to feeling like a pricking and stinging sensation.

Is there anyone who is not a good candidate for electrolysis?

Electrolysis should never be performed on a person that has a pacemaker. Hair should never be removed on places that have a mole or a birthmark.

What can one expect after an electrolysis hair removal treatment?

Post treatment, the skin can be swollen, red or tender. The hair should begin to disappear several weeks to months after the first treatment. Possible side effects include scarring, including keloids, and changes in the skin color.

Who should perform electrolysis hair removal?

When deciding upon doing electrolysis, it is equally important finding the correct person to perform this procedure. Look for a qualified skin expert that has been certified or licensed, making sure that it is up to date. Asking for recommendations from family, friends and coworkers is often helpful. It is important to get a consultation first to ask questions and concerns about the procedure. Good questions to ask include how long the procedure will take, how it will feel, how many treatments are expected, the cost of each treatment, and how many clients they have performed the procedure on. Also ask if they do needle electrolysis, as this is the only permanent hair removal procedure. When at the consultation, look around. Notice if the place is clean looking, if the clinicians seem knowledgeable about the procedure. Ask if you can meet the skin doctor that will be performing the procedure on you to ensure it’s an experienced clinician.

*In light of recent changes to technology, we have discontinued providing Laser Hair Removal services. As a leading provider of other Non-Surgical Cosmetic Medicine services we now focus in Facial Enhancement and Body Contouring treatments.*

Benzoyl Peroxide

Skincare Glossary: Benzoyl Peroxide

If you’ve ever had to use a skin care product, there’s a good chance that you’ve used a product that contained benzoyl peroxide. Because of its unique properties, benzoyl peroxide is a popular solution for acne problems. Commercial benzoyl peroxide products come in creams, bars, gels and so on.

One should keep in mind that most products with benzoyl peroxide often have a mix of other products in the compound. Most benzoyl peroxide products only contain about 10% benzoyl peroxide in them. And benzoyl peroxide comes with other benefits as well. For example, benzoyl peroxide is great at taking care of black heads, white heads, and other acne related growths. It’s also a bactericide, which means it can kill bacteria that directly contribute to creating acne in the first place. Most people use benzoyl peroxide as their first measure against dealing with acne. Benzoyl peroxide works quickly, which is why it is so popular. Many users see results within five days.

The more users make use of benzoyl peroxide products, the better results they’re expected to see. Skin dryness is expected to be minimal after extended use. Users should avoid contact of the product with their mouth, nose, and eyes to prevent potential irritation.

Unlike products with salicyclic acid, benzoyl peroxide products won’t develop conditions such as salicyclic toxicity. Users can, however, risk developing skin irritation. Too much benzoyl peroxide and you may experience peeling, redness and dryness. There’s another side effect users should keep in mind as well. Because of benzoyl peroxide’s unique bleaching properties, it can bleach dark fabrics if it gets in contact with them. So keep dark clothing away from your face when you apply benzoyl peroxide. Hair should be tied up and left alone when using a benzoyl peroxide facial cream as well. Some users have reported hair bleaching when using the product.

What are some popular brands that contain benzoyl peroxide? Well, Clearasil and Clean and Clean are among two of the most popular brands. Those who need to take care of a particularly unsightly spot should consider Persa-Gel 10.

Benzoyl peroxide is an organic compound. While it’s usually used for acne treatments, there are a lot of uses for this compound. You might find traces of benzoyl peroxide in your whitening toothpaste. Hair bleaching products may contain benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide has even been used for industrial purposes, such as improving the color and quality of flour for baking and ink removers. Benzoyl peroxide, of course, is one of the most important compounds we use today.

Are there other risks that users will have to keep in mind when using benzoyl peroxide products? Well, pregnant women will have to discuss use of benzoyl peroxide products in mind with a doctor before using them to tackle acne or so on. But there’s little risk to using benzoyl peroxide products- very little benzoyl peroxide would be absorbed into the skin. Still, play safe when using benzoyl peroxide.

Concentrated qualities of benzoyl peroxide can be flammable. However, this is something you won’t have to worry about with your average benzoyl peroxide product. The percentage of benzoyl peroxide in beauty products and other home products is so small that it’s not something to worry about. Some people may be allergic to benzoyl peroxide so keep this in mind when applying the product and be sure to call a doctor if you experience adverse symptoms not limited to hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing.

Benzoyl peroxide can be a useful product in many capacities. From use as a skin care product to other applications, benzoyl peroxide is in many of the products we use on a daily basis. It’s simple, effective, and is a popular product for both cleaning skin and bleaching other products.


Skincare Glossary: Allantoin

Modern chemists got a hint about the benefits of Allantoin in skin care from ancient uses of urine to relieve skin irritation that dates as far back as the ancient Egyptians and Chinese.

The Allantoin that you purchase in creams today is usually manufactured in huge quantities in a cosmetic or pharmaceutical plant but some natural products are available. Another natural source of Allantoin is the Comfrey plant that was originally found in Russia.

The most significant use of Allantoin is to reduce the dryness of a person’s skin. Age, climate, pollution, and excessive exposure to the sun can produce dry skin. An additional benefit from Allantoin is the reduction of scar tissue. Allantoin can prevent inflammation and irritation of the skin. Allantoin can also treat diaper rash and moderate radiation burns caused by cancer treatments that use radiation.

Allantoin is often considered to be a moisturiser for the skin but this compound acts differently in chemical and physical terms than most moisturisers.

Allantoin helps your body remove the dead cells in the upper layers of the skin. This makes the skin softer and smoother. Allantoin also helps remove the keratin in the upper layers of your skin that can build up over time and make your skin dry and stiff.

Allantoin does not add water to your skin directly. The compound removes the barriers like dead skin and keratin that prevent the lower layers of your skin from absorbing moisture like they normally would. Allantoin does allow your skin to retain more moisture for a longer period of time.

The production of natural moisture that Allantoin produces prevents your skin from being itchy or flaky due to the excess of dead skin cells that have not been removed.

Allantoin can facilitate the healing of scar tissue by acting with and against the chemicals that your body naturally makes in reaction to injury. Allantoin reacts with inflammatory agents that the body produces and binds them into a chemically inert state. The inflammatory agent cannot make any scar tissue turn red and puffy like they usually do. The Allantoin and inflammatory agent combination is eliminated from the body as waste.

Allantoin can be purchased as a liquid or a cream.

Most manufacturers and physicians do not recommend the use of Allantoin on the face. Any contact with the eyes, open wounds, an area that has been recently shaved, the mouth, the inside of the nose, the ears, and the genital areas should be avoided.

The skin in the areas that you should not use Allantoin on is different from the skin on most of your body. Your eyes, nose, face, genitals, and any open sore can absorb more Allantoin than the rest of your skin. Removal of the absorbing cells can be damaging to your body.

Allantoin should never be swallowed.

The number of times you should use Allantoin depends on the severity of your dry skin and the directions on the product you buy. When in doubt ask your pharmacist or a cosmetologist.

If you have dry itchy hands then you need to use Allantoin as a cream after you wash your hands. The best results are shown to be produced if you use Allantoin each and every time you wash your hands.

Similarly, any skin dryness that is localised to a specific area should be treated several times a day but not more than the directions specify.

Do not feel strange or squeamish about using something that comes from the urine of animals for skin care. The Allantoin you get today was made in a factory under strict guidelines.

The ancient people that discovered the benefits of Allantoin used what the natural world provided. More likely than not, some woman that was milking a cow got peed on and found out that her hands were softer.

Ice Pick Scars

What are Ice Pick Scars?

Ice pick scars are deep holes that are small in size that are on the surface of the skin. Commonly these scars are formed due to acne. These acne scars will look like the skin has been punctured with a very sharp object. They are narrow, deep, and depressed and are very common, measuring 2 mm or less in length. They appear vertically and are cylindrical in shape.

Ice pick scars begin as a comedone. Comedones, also referred to as blackheads or whiteheads, are formed when sebum forms on the skin, mixing with skin cells. A soft plug will be formed in the hair follicles, blocking the pore. Inflammation will set in as bacteria is multiplied, and pus is formed. The pus can build up pressure, which will cause the inflammation to go deeper into the skin. This will cause damage to the skin, as the collagen will not form in the skin as needed. The loss of this collagen will allow the acne inflammation to sink deeper into the skin, forming ice pick scars.

The Best Treatments for Ice Pick Scars

Two of the best treatments for ice pick scars include skin needling and fractional laser treatment. These techniques can both be performed in the comfort of a skin specialist’s office. At Advanced Dermatology we provide both these treatments and have many years of experience helping our clients with ice pick scars and other acne related scarring.


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Skin Needling

Skin needling, also referred to as micro-needling, is a minimally invasive procedure. This technique uses fine needles to create controlled skin injury, which will fill with new collagen. This will lead to rejuvenation of the skin, which will also improve the hydration, tone and texture. Skin needling is considered to be a safe and highly effective treatment, as minor damage is done to the skin. Skin needling is great for all skin types, even thin and sensitive skin. No special instruments are needed for this out patient procedure. The epidermis will remain intact during the procedure, and will not be damaged. Normal activities can be resumed within a matter of days. The procedure is very well tolerated by many, taking only a few minutes to an hour to complete. A numbing cream will be applied to the face or local anaesthetic will be administered. Three to four treatments are typically recommended for moderate acne scars, with at least six weeks between each session.

Fractional Laser Treatment

Fractional laser treatment can also help to treat ice pick scars. This non-invasive treatment is extremely safe and effective, with very focused results. A laser beam is split into thousands of microscopic treatment zones. This beam will target both the dermal and the epidermal layers of the skin. Prior to the treatment, skin will be washed and anesthetic cream will be applied to the skin. This will be allowed to set on the skin for 45 minutes to an hour. The cream will then be removed, and a gliding gel will be applied to the area, which will lubricate the hand held piece that is moved over the skin. Typically, to remove ice pick scars, a treatment will take about half an hour. Pain from the procedure can help to be controlled with a cooling device. For 3 to 5 days after the procedure, the skin will remain pink. Swelling may take place, which will last for 2 or 3 days. Swelling can be relieved by applying ice packs to the skin during the first 24 hours every 10 minutes. Four to five treatments are usually needed, which are spaced one month apart.

It is very important to note that regardless of which of these two treatments is use for ice pick scars, post treatment, a high quality sun screen should be applied for several weeks to protect the skin.

Smile Lines

Smile Lines: Causes, Prevention and Treatments

Smile lines, also referred to as laugh lines, are creases around the mouth that are formed during the natural ageing process. The smile lines around the mouth look like parenthesis. A smile line is formed from an individual using a muscle repeatedly, pushing the skin around the mouth into a repeated folding pattern. The skin around the mouth also loses tissue volume and elasticity as we age, causing laugh lines around the mouth. Laugh lines will be hard to avoid as the skin ages, as it is harder for the skin to repair itself from the damage that has been done.

How to get rid of smile lines?

Many individuals are interested in how to get rid of smile lines. One treatment that is available to remove smile lines is Refirme NXT. This non-invasive treatment can be done in as little as 20 minutes. It has been cleared by the FDA and the TGA. This top of the line treatment utilises advanced technologies to help fade away smile lines. The method is a controlled method that uses radio frequency and optical energy. This skin treatment is safe for all skin types and colours. There is very little if any pain associated with Refirme NXT, and no downtime is needed. Individuals can return to normal activities once the procedure is finished. The total number of treatments an individual will need will be based off how deep the smile lines are. Typically, treatments are spread out over a course of 3 to 4 week intervals, with 2 to 5 sessions needed. Side effects include mild redness, swelling of the skin, and blanching of the skin that dissipates within a few hours after treatment.

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Another method that is used to get rid of smile lines around the mouth is the use of dermal fillers. These are often used to fill in deeper smile lines. Dermal fillers are injected into the skin with a tiny needle. They are fast, easy and effective. Before the treatment, the doctor will map out the areas on the face that need treated. A numbing cream will be applied, and the patient will wait while it takes effect, usually about half an hour. The dermal fillers will then be injected into the skin. Ice may be applied to help eliminate bruising. Dermal fillers do not have any downtime, a patient can return to normal activities immediately after a treatment. Dermal fillers can last from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the type of dermal filler used. Since dermal fillers are made from natural substances, they are considered safer than traditional collagen fillers.  Side effects associated with dermal fillers include swelling, redness, and irritation at the injection site, but this typically only lasts for a few hours after the procedure.

Areas of Treatment:


How to prevent wrinkles and facial lines?

While there is no real solution to this question, there are ways we can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and premature ageing of the skin. Sunscreen should always be worn, as the sun can break down collagen in the skin, which will make the firmness and elasticity of the skin become compromised. Sunscreen should be worn during the entire year to protect the face.

Another step in preventing wrinkles is to give up on bad habits such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption. The collagen and elastin in the skin are damaged from chemical in cigarettes, which will make the ageing process happen much faster.

Eating a well-balanced diet can help to improve the skin, which can be beneficial to those that want to learn how to prevent wrinkles. Individuals that eat a diet rich in vitamin A, C, and E will find that the skin benefits from these vitamins.