Ferulic Acid

Ferulic Acid Enhances Skin Care

Ferulic Acid isn’t an ingredient you hear about regularly as part of your skin care regimen. This uncommon ingredient not only enhances the effects of facial products, shampoos, conditioners, and sunscreens, but it acts synergistically with other antioxidants to render them more powerful. Whether ingested or applied to the skin, its positive effects can no longer be overlooked.

What is Ferulic Acid?

Ferulic acid is a powerful antioxidant found in the leaves and seeds of most plants. It has a higher dosage in foods such as rice, wheat and oats. Fruits and vegetables as parsley, spinach, rhubarb, and grapes also contain ferulic acid.

What does this have to do with skin care? Ferulic acid fights the negative effects of various free radicals. These free radicals can cause premature ageing of skin, including under eye wrinkles. They destroy and inhibit the growth of collagen, the supportive tissue that keeps skin tight and elastic. The combination of ferulic acid and vitamins C and E in a topical solution is the best formula for anti-ageing serums, moisturisers and using underneath sunscreens. It repairs the damage and prevents it from recurring.

Protection Against Cancer

When ferulic acid is combined with vitamins C and E and applied underneath a sunscreen, the combination becomes a much better skin-protective agent, doubling photoprotection to skin from fourfold to eightfold. Thus, reducing the likelihood of skin cancer.

This powerful antioxidant was tested internally on rats which showed promise as chemopreventive agents in the tongue, skin, and other organs. Future studies may provide further insights on fighting cancers in humans.

Researchers are optimistic that ferulic acid will be a significant component in the armamentarium against photoageing and skin cancer.

Trans Ferulic Acid vs. Natural Ferulic Acid

Both of these acids are natural. Trans ferulic acid is used most often in dietary supplements taken for anti-ageing. Natural ferulic acid is used in topical treatment. While both help protect against the damage of UV rays, the topical serum may have an added benefit of helping repair some of the damage that was already done by the sun’s rays.

Skin Care Products With Ferulic Acid

Products containing ferulic acid are beginning to show up more often. However, the expense of having ferulic acid in a product currently prohibits it from becoming a mainstay ingredient. It can be found in most department stores which provide higher quality cosmetics and facial products. There are also specialty websites providing these products. Most products will combine this acid with vitamins C and E because of the extra power of this combination.

Products where ferulic acid is best used:

  • Shampoos – as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent to aid in healthy hair growth
  • Serum for evening out skin tone
  • Also useful for dry, flaky skin
  • Serum for under eye wrinkles – after applying it the serum is effective for 72 hours minimum. It cannot be rubbed off or washed off.
  • Face masks and scrubs
  • As an oil or cream
  • Applied as an oil underneath a sunscreen

Fear of plagiarism by including ferulic acid in formulas has kept the market from expanding, especially if vitamins are already in the formula. This also keeps its price rather high. The benefits of beauty are only the beginning. However, who can put a price on avoiding cancer?

Side Effects

While no side effects have been reported to using the topical ferulic acid, since the acid does come from grains such as wheat, barley or corn, anyone allergic to these products should be careful. As always, it is best to test any new product on a small patch of skin first to determine if you are allergic to ferulic acid.

How To Stop Sweating

How to Stop Sweating: Treatments for those who suffer from Excessive Sweating

Only those who have experienced heavy sweating for a long time are able to better understand the importance of finding an effective treatment for this condition. We have teamed up with our leading cosmetic injectable doctor who will share some insights on how to stop sweating.

Embarrassing like few others, heavy sweating can really make a person’s life an ordeal, as it conditions both social and professional life, particularly in people who experience underarm sweating –although other forms of sweating can be equally annoying. Technically known as hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating can make a person sweat up to four times more than the average individual.

Medical research has shown that there are several reasons that account for the symptom. And even when there are two different types of hyperhidrosis: focal and generalised, the symptom is rarely the consequence of another condition, but more of an idiopathic nature.

One of the reasons is directly linked to the person’s inability to keep body temperature down without resorting to excessive sweating. Though most patients will never find out what it is that causes excessive sweating. What specialists do know is that findings also suggest that a large percentage of the population present this disorder. However unpleasant, this condition is more common than one would expect, for example, over one million people suffer from it in the US alone.

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Less Effective Treatments

For decades, many dermatologists have addressed the issue by appealing to the organic reasons for excessive sweating. Common treatments include giving patients certain vitamins that are meant to help prevent perspiration. Other topical treatments involve the use of lotions or creams that have a high content of aluminium salts, commonly found in antiperspirants as well. When over-the-counter treatments fail to treat the issue efficiently, a dermatologist will advise on a prescription product.

Two for the Price of One

Every now and then, a treatment comes out, taking everybody by surprise mainly because it is useful to treat several symptoms at the same time. Research has recently shown that a popular anti wrinkle treatment is highly effective in dealing with excessive sweating.

Anti sweat injections stem from the botulinum toxin used for anti ageing treatments. This substance has been found to be highly beneficial in the treatment of primary auxiliary hyperhidrosis. Used to treat this disorder, anti sweat injections may have an effect that can last for up to two years.

How does it work?

When the substance is injected, the chemical messenger that sends signals to the sympathetic nerves is blocked in such a way that it does not reach the sweat glands. Since the chemical message is not sent, the glands are neither stimulated, nor activated. The toxin then works by permanently blocking the nerve endings.

Local Treatment

Injections are applied locally, depending on what the affected area is. However, it must be said that experience shows that sweating under the arms is more effectively treated than plantar hyperhidrosis, for example. Moreover, many patients report to have felt a great discomfort when anti sweat injections were being applied on the soles of their feet. Furthermore, results seem to be more effective in other areas.

Risks and Side Effects

On the other hand, users-to-be should know that there is a certain risk involved in the use of anti sweat injections. In order to optimise the use of this local treatment, users should always consult with a health-care professional and have the treatment administered only by specialised hands. Also, since certain allergies are linked to the use of this substance, previous studies may be necessary.

In all, anti sweat injections are an effective treatment to cure chronic excessive perspiration, particularly on people who have suffered from profuse armpit sweating for a long time now.

All about Chemical Peels

All about Chemical Peels

Why would anyone need any kind of chemical peels? Our skin is the natural first recipient of all types of both natural and artificial elements: wind, sun, pollution and chemicals.  With the passing of time, it is natural for our complexion to pass its toll in the form of wrinkles or skin spots. Moreover, further events, such as diseases, pregnancies, acne or accidents can leave dark patches, scars, stretch marks or liver spots.

Fortunately, thanks to the latest scientific developments, these effects need no longer be permanent. One of the most effective ways of achieving skin perfection is through chemical peels. Since there are different ways of carrying this treatment out, let’s take a look at the various alternatives.

What is a Chemical Peel?

By definition, a chemical peel is a procedure through which skin layers are removed by means of applying different types of chemicals. Although different substances can be used to this end, not all of them behave the same way. In fact, the amount of skin layers removed and the depth of the treatment is the greatest difference between one type of treatment and the other. In addition, it has now become popular for beauticians to use, apart from the solutions, peeling tools.

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Different Types of Treatments

Chemical peels can be classified according to the depth of treatment: superficial/light peels, medium-depth peels and deep peels.

Light Peels:

These are the most common types of treatments available to everybody and can even be done in the privacy of your own home with the help of over-the-counter peeling kits. Targeting the epidermis, which is the outer-most skin layer, light peels are done with the help of Alpha or Beta hydroxy acids. The effects are almost instantaneous and they will make your skin look brighter and smoother. These cosmetic treatments are effective ways of dealing with light liver spots, fine lines, incipient wrinkles, minor scars and dry or flaking skin. By encouraging the skin cells to reproduce themselves more quickly, the acids help to improve skin rejuvenation.

Medium-Depth Peels:

Meant to achieve greater results than the previous treatments, these peels tackle more complex skin issues, such as sun damage, hyper pigmentation, liver spots and deeper face lines. The chemical substances used to carry out these treatments are stronger than in the previous type. Usually derived from TCA (trichloroacetic acid) these peels penetrate deeper layers, thus achieving more dramatic effects. There is con to undertaking deeper peels; the effects will not be visible right away and recovery time is much longer. Although each person reacts differently to the treatment, it is common to feel stinging, itching or other types of discomfort during and after the peel. Furthermore, swelling and redness is another common side effect that may last for several days. After the recovery period however, your complexion will look much healthier, a lot brighter and cell regeneration is bound to be more revolutionary.

Deep Peels:

Since they are the strongest types of peels available on the cosmetic market, they should always be carried out by certified practitioners. The substances involved in these treatments can be quite harmful if not used appropriately. The most common substances can be listed as follows:

  • Carbolic Acid: the strongest type of acid yet. It can be found in phenol peels and should be used with care.
  • High-strength TCA: Stronger than glycolic acid, meant to penetrate deeper layers.
  • Salicylic Acid: A type of hydroxyl acid that goes deeper than the oil glands.
  • Lactic Acid: Less irritating than other AHA, it is an effective moisturiser.

In conclusion, peels are effective cosmetic alternatives to deal with unwanted skin issues. It is imperative that a qualified and experienced practitioner helps you decide what the best one is fit for each case.

Neck Wrinkles

The Truth about Neck Wrinkles

Not long ago, neck wrinkles used to be the telltale sign of a person’s real age. No matter how many products were used on our face, nothing seemed to really work on the neck or neckline area.

Luckily however, this former neglect is certainly not compulsory as newer technologies are giving way to more modern and far more efficient treatments. Nonetheless, as with most beauty issues, a good treatment begins by identifying the causes of the challenge and taking the necessary steps in order to prevent the symptoms from appearing.

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Neck Wrinkles: Where do they come from?

As with most type of skin issues, neck ageing takes place for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the most outstanding factors that can help to contribute to the creation of skin marks:

The Gene Case: This reason is something we are unable to handle much. Mum and dad passed on not only their skin types, their tolerance to sun or their glossy complexion, but also a sort of ageing code or pattern. Although each individual reacts differently to the same substance, there are certain general guidelines that can help to define the ageing process.

One of a Kind: Another reason that accounts for the neck wrinkles or premature ageing of the neck is that the skin surrounding the neck area is much thinner than the rest of the body. In addition, neck skin is prone to the gravitational pull that makes the tissues sag downwards. This is more evident as time goes by. Finally, this area has less fatty tissue than the rest and, on top of that, this fat is lost with the passing of time, leaving the skin looking droopy and haggard.

Neglect: Few other parts of the body are as neglected as the neck area. When it comes to sun exposure for instance, we spread sunscreen all over the body, but for the neck! Consequently, the skin absorbs more UV rays than it should. Unbelievably, this is one of the main causes for neck wrinkles. Additionally, all kinds of cosmetic treatments are limited to the face area, thus further neglecting the neck. According to recent research, the skin area requires even more moisturising than some other areas and specific products should be used to treat this highly sensitive area.

Bad habits: Most people are clueless about the way our daily habits influence our overall health, including our skin. A lifetime of excesses, such as smoking, extreme sun exposure, alcohol drinking or following an imbalanced diet can lead to the acceleration of skin damage. Moreover, even simple hygiene habits can influence the way our neck will look in the future. For example, since the neck area is prone to greasiness, some people clean their necks by using harsh products, such as alcohol, or even hard brushes or sponges. This habit washes away the skin’s natural moisture and makes even more prone to creating creases.

Neck Ageing in Detail

These are the different types of skin issues that tend to affect the neck and their direct causes.

Vertical Lines: They are generally caused by extreme sun exposure and chronic postural issues, like spending too much time in front of the computer in an assembly line.

Horizontal Wrinkling: These are the most common types of lines and are caused by natural ageing. Turkey skin is a consequence of the loss of skin collagen.

Hyper pigmentation: This is perhaps one of the greatest concerns for many people. Caused mostly by excessive exposure to sunrays, this feature varies from person to person and is also triggered by genetic factors.

As we can see, neck wrinkles can be caused by many reasons, most of which can be dealt with in such a way that we prevent their consequences.

Liver Spots

All you should know about Liver Spots

Contrary to what most people think, wrinkles are not the only sign that time has gone by. One of the telltale signs of ageing is skin spots, otherwise known as liver spots or solar lentigines. On the other hand, it is not a generalised symptom and not everybody shows skin spots. Let’s take a deeper look into this matter: what are these spots and why do we get them?

By definition, solar lentigines or liver spots are dark skin spots (usually either brownish or black). Although they vary in size and shape, they are typically present in individuals aged 50 or older. Nonetheless, younger people have been known to present these spots, too. This is particularly so if these young people spend much time under the sun.

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What are the Causes of Liver Spots?

The different layers of our skin tissue absorb sunrays throughout all of our lives. It is a well-known fact that some of these rays are harmful to our skin. So much so, that they cause certain type of damage. One of the ways our skin tissue is altered by the effects of sunrays is through hyper keratoses. This means that healthy skin becomes rougher and thicker –this is a natural response that occurs when the skin wants to protect itself from unwanted effects. Another common reaction is hyper pigmentation or extra colouring. This is visible through darkened spots and is one of the main reasons healthy skin forms liver spots.

Although certain skin types are more prone to developing these unwanted colours, the truth is that most skin types will develop a form of hyper pigmentation when exposed to sunlight and the longer you remain under the sun, the higher the chances of developing these spots.

Even when using protection, some people should avoid staying under the sun altogether. If you are light-skinned and fair-eyed, for instance; or if your skin becomes red when exposed to sunlight, you should take extra measures.

Cosmetic technology has provided us with different alternatives that can help to treat liver spots. However, the wisest tip would be to avoid getting them. So far, the best way to protect our skin from the harmful effects of sunrays is using the appropriate sunscreen or sun block. This advice however, is useful as long as we use the products the right way. Reapplying often and using the exact SPF is vital to preventing any unwanted colouring in our skin.

Are Liver Spots Dangerous?

Even if they look ominous, the truth is that liver spots do not mean any significant threat to your health. Some people may mistakenly confuse them with cancerous growths. They are not, however and will not require medical treatment.

Even so, consulting with a physician is always a good call; especially because many people may confuse these benign spots with other types of more harmful skin conditions. Here are useful tips on how to identify them:

Location: Liver spots usually appear on hands, face (particularly forehead, nose or hairline) shoulders or back.

Symptoms: none. They do not itch, sting or hurt in any way.

Cosmetic Treatment for Skin Spots

Despite being innocuous, liver spots are the cause of medical consultation mainly because of cosmetic reasons. Hundreds of patients wonder whether these spots can be concealed or taken care of. Skin doctors generally agree on one point concerning these spots: they cannot be removed. Nevertheless, patients are advised on several skin treatments that help to improve skin appearance.

Cosmetic treatments offered to treat lentigines focus on one aspect: reducing their colour or lightening them so that they are less noticeable. There are several treatments available on the market and some have been proved to be highly effective in reducing spots both in size and colour.

At Advanced Dermatology our recommend treatment for liver spots and other skin spots is our revolutionary Clariskin® PhotoRejuvenation treatment.

Debunking the Myths about Anti Wrinkle Injections

Despite their popularity, anti wrinkle injections have gotten plenty of notoriety as of late. Just as with most novel developments, the use of anti wrinkle injections for cosmetic purposes has given rise to much controversy. Both advocates and detractors have engaged in seemingly endless arguments whose main topic is either the alleged benefits or the apparent flaws of the method.

Regardless of what scientific research has got to say about the matter, the average customer brings into the doctor’s surgery a series of prejudices concerning the treatment. Here are the most popular beliefs surrounding the use of anti wrinkle injections.

Poison Hazard

There is a widespread assumption that, since these injections result from the development of a toxin – which is perhaps the most lethal- their use is potentially dangerous. Even if this information is true, the public should be made aware of the issue of dosage. To begin with, the amount of toxin injected for cosmetic purposes is so low that there is no risk involved in its use. Furthermore, research shows that even in cases of unwanted side effects due to excessive dosage, the symptoms have been temporary.

Loss of Facial Expression

Linked to the previous myth, this belief comes from the place where most freaky issues come from: the media. There is an ongoing trend to show close up pictures of celebrities who have gone overboard with their anti wrinkle treatments. Consequently, many people are now wondering whether this could not happen to them, too. Experience reveals that about only 1 out of 1,000 cases develop temporary stiffness, swelling, bruising or facial asymmetric features.

Treatments are Painful

Let’s face it, nobody likes getting shots, let alone on highly sensitive areas, such as eyelids, cheekbones or lips. This is why some potential patients get squeamish when injections are suggested. On top of that, tales of suffering appear online every now and then, boosting the myth. This thought is not only inaccurate but incredibly misleading. The syringes used for this type of treatment are so small that the stinging feeling is minimal. If it weren’t so, health professionals would use anaesthetics, which are seldom needed.

Anti-wrinkle Injections: Expression Lines Only

Another fallacy, yet: to believe that these treatments are only good for dealing with facial lines. Recent medical research has concluded that they are also effective in the treatment of several chronic or debilitating conditions, like fibromyalgia, migraine or back and neck pain. Scientifically speaking, the substance’s power to relax the muscle accounts for its efficiency in the treatment of these conditions.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

But perhaps the most common myth surrounding these aesthetic injections is that they will solve all types of facial wrinkles for good. Far from being real, this claim may be considered false advertising. Patients should know that the effect may last about 4 months, depending on each case. Once this time span is over, the nerves grow back and you start looking haggard once again. This is why re-applying is recommended.

All in all, getting facts right is a good starting point for those who are looking for different ways to tackle their ageing concerns, thus it is high time we unravelled the mysteries behind anti wrinkle injections.


Skin Treatment Options: Dermapen

The world of cosmetic treatments has seen itself flooded with different products, designed to address different skin issues and Dermapen is one of these alternatives.

People are so concerned with the way they look, that most cosmetic companies have developed all sorts of resources used to help people improve their appearance. Some skin conditions cannot be treated with skin lotions or creams only. This is why, thanks to the latest advances, technology has been used to create and design different types of motorised surgical instruments to deal with the most severe cases.

In recent years, these treatments have grown in popularity mainly because they provide a solution to extreme cases of acne, derma pigmentation or even scarring. Even when these treatments have proved to be effective, some people are still reluctant, mainly because they are suspicious of future infections or unwanted transmission of diseases.

As a result, an American company has developed a product that can help to deal with skin issues without the risks of affecting their health.

What is Dermapen?

By definition, Dermapen is a motorised surgical instrument operates with a disposable needle tip cartridge that contains 12micro-needles. This type of device has been designed to be used by a trained practitioner in a professional environment.

This micro-needling surgical instrument can be used to deal with different types of goals, such as lip wrinkles, improvement of overall skin tone, pore appearance, melasma and derma pigmentation. It is also used for facial wrinkles and acne scarring. Further uses include the textural improvement of neckline or chest.

The theory behind this type of technology is that by creating a small wound on the skin, it reacts by creating a new cell that is filled with collagen. The benefits depend on the depth of needle penetration; the deeper the treatment, the more effective. Many times, these types of treatments are used just to enhance product penetration or to ensure maximum absorption or skin cleansing. Skin depth can range from 0.25 to 2.5 mm. depending on the type of treatment required.

Since treatments are so varied and results so different, the treatment should always be carried out by a certified practitioner who is able to diagnose and treat accordingly. Although Dermapen is mostly used for facial areas, it can be successfully used in different parts of the body. For example, many beauticians use it to treat stretch marks on stomach or thigh areas.

Advantages of Using Dermapen

According to beauty specialists, the use of this disposable needling system has provided several advantages over other more common systems.

  • Reduces risks of cross-infection.
  • It increases speed and large areas can be covered in less time. Other manual systems take much longer.
  • Adaptable and comfortable. Practitioners can choose whether to deal with smaller or larger areas, according to what is needed.
  • Pain and discomfort is greatly reduced.
  • Low cost consumable.
  • Lighter in weight than most other devices.
  • Helps to prevent unnecessary laser treatments.
  • It provides adjustable needle depth.

Downsides of Using Dermapen

Even when many people have expressed their satisfaction with the treatment, there are some cases of unwanted side effects that have been reported by patients who used this sort of treatments.

  • Persistent skin redness: although some swelling and puffiness is expected, some patients have reported to suffer from extreme swelling and sever redness in the face.
  • Skin Blotches: Other people have reported blotches on their faces that do not seem to alleviate and that have required visiting skin specialists. In fact, some skin doctors recommend combining needling with platelet rich plasma treatments to prevent redness.

In all, Dermapen is a practical needling tool that should be used only by certified well-trained practitioners and under medical supervision.


VelaShape: Overview, Reviews and Results

VelaShape is a non-invasive body contouring treatment. VelaShape can be used on the neck, the hips, thighs (inner and outer), buttocks, arms, flank, and abdomen. This technology combines bi-polar radio frequency energy, a vacuum, and infrared light. These three combined will heat the fat cells deeply, as well as the connective tissue and the underlying collagen dermal fibers. As treatments are given, there will be a reduction in cellulite as well as circumference. On average, one inch per treatment session is generally lost. VelaShape is an FDA approved treatment and is safe and effective for all colours of skin and skin types.

What is the VelaShape procedure like?

Before the procedure has started, the area that is to be treated will be cleansed. A hand piece will then be rolled over the area, which will begin to heat the tissue. This will cause the fat cells to melt, shrinking them in size. The skin will then be manipulated with the same device, which will create smoother skin that is firmer.

What are the results of VelaShape?

Gradual improvements will be seen in the appearance of the skin, with final results being seen 6 to 8 weeks after the final session is completed. The skin will appear to be tighter as well as smoother. Typically results last for 6 to 12 months.

Does VelaShape cause any pain?

Many report VelaShape as a comfortable treatment that feels similar to a deep tissue warming massage. Others report that it feels like an intense workout. The session will be tailored to fit what the patient finds to be comfortable.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects of VelaShape include some redness or mild bruising. Superficial burns may also be a side effect, but this is rare. Once the treatment is over, it is normal to have a warm sensation around the treatment area. Regular activities can be resumed after a session is over. Following the procedure, an increase in urine production is often seen. It is recommended that patients drink at least 2 liters of water per day, and possibly up to 4 liters.

What are the benefits of having VelaShape?

Having VelaShape done provides many great benefits. These include not only reducing cellulite and circumference but will also help with trapped fat reduction. This body contouring treatment is great for woman that want to get their bodies back into shape after having a baby. VelaShape may also be used before and after a liposuction treatment. In Men, this procedure will also relieve the muscles of aches and spasms.

How many sessions are needed of VelaShape?

A minimum of 6 sessions is generally needed to see the maximum results, however, some may see results within 4 sessions. The total number of treatments will be dependent on each patient, depending on what the goals are of the patient, as well as what the state of the body is currently in. Each session will last about 30 minutes.

Can VelaShape be combine with other treatments to accelerate the results?

VelaShape may be combined with other treatments to see faster results. This should be discussed with your skin specialist, however, others have successfully used fitness and diet programs while having the sessions completed, had skin tightening treatments done, body shaping treatments, and liposuction procedures.

Is there anyone that is not a good candidate for VelaShape?

Most people are good candidates for VelaShape. It is recommended that all health issues be shared with your skin specialist as certain illnesses and health conditions make a person ineligible for VelaShape.



Exilis is a skin tightening and body contouring treatment that is approved by the FDA. It is used to help in wrinkle reduction, smooth out skin, enhance collagen production, and tighten the skin. Ultrasonic waves are delivered with controlled heat to the tissues of the skin in this treatment. Deep layers of fat will be targeted, while the surface of the skin is cooled to help protect the dermal structures of the skin, which omits the risk for burning and blistering. Two heads are used on the device that will not only liquify the fat but also tighten the skin. Exilis can be used on a number of body parts, including the waist, arms, hips, thighs, love handles, face, neckline, jowls, breast, knees, buttocks, bra strap line, and the décolletage.

How many treatments of Exilis are needed for best results?

It is recommended that 4 to 6 treatments of Exilis be done to achieve maximum results. These treatments should be spaced apart 1 to 2 weeks. Results generally last about 6 months, with maintenance sessions needed every 4 to 6 months. Results can be seen after only a few treatments, but some may not see results until 2 to 3 months after the final treatment is performed.

Is there any downtime associated with this procedure?

There is not any downtime associated with Exilis. There may be some redness to the treated area, but this will dissipate in a few hours, but no bruising will take place. Makeup can be worn after the treatment is finished. If Exilis is done on the body, it is recommended that the patient be physically active. Water intake should be increased after treatment. A healthy lifestyle is especially recommended for those that have Exilis treatment done for the purpose of body contouring and fat reduction, as this will help to accelerate the body fat burned.

Clinical trials has shown that Exilis is safe and effective. It is safe for all skin tones.

What are the benefits to having Exilis?

The following benefits can be seen from using Exilis:

  • skin tightening
  • effective fat shedding from specific portions on the body
  • tones as well as contours body parts that are troublesome
  • minimal pain
  • almost no side effects
  • long lasting results
  • brief treatment session
  • non-invasive
  • immediate and noticeable results
  • no after care treatment

What does Exilis feel like?

Exilis is not painful. No topical creams or anesthetics are used. There is a warming sensation that is felt, however this can be adjusted so the patient can be comfortable. Each session will last 20 to 30 minutes.

Are there any precautions to take prior to treatment of Exilis?

Prior to having Exilis done, all makeup and jewelry will need to be removed from the patient. Depending on the area of treatment in times it is recommended to shave the area of treatment a day before.

Who are good candidates for having Exilis?

Those that make excellent candidates for this procedure include those with mild to moderate fat deposits on the body.

Is there anyone that should not have Exilis performed?

Exilis should not be performed on woman that are pregnant or lactating. Those that have a pacemaker are also not allowed to have this procedure done. Anyone that has metal implanted in the body and that have an active skin infection at the site where Exilis would be performed should not have this procedure done.

How much does Exilis cost?

The cost of an Exilist treatment varies from practitioner to practitioner. It also depends on the area of treatment and the amount of sessions recommended by your skin specialist. Generally, 4 to 6 sessions of Exilist can run between $800 and $1500. We strongly recommend speaking to your skin specialist before deciding on what treatment is best for you.

Micro Needling

 Micro Needling Review: How does it work?

Micro needling is a non-invasive procedure that can be used to treat a variety of conditions on the skin. It has very little side effects, can be done very quickly, and is a great alternative to dermabrasion. Micro needling is also referred to as skin needling and can be used to treat acne, scars, wrinkles, dark spots, stretch marks, tighten sagging skin, uneven pigmentation, and other skin issues. This procedure is mainly performed on the face, but can also be done on the hands, neck, chest and back.

Micro needling can be done with the Dermastamp or the Dermaroller. It is well tolerated by many and will take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour to complete, depending on the area of treatment.

How is skin needling performed?

The skin specialist will first cleanse the face or area being treated, and then a cream will be applied to the skin where the skin will receive treatment. A numbing cream will then be applied to the skin, which will numb the area so not as much pain if felt. Depending on the skin specialist, intravenous anesthetic may also be given but this is done on very rare occasions. The needle roller will be placed on the skin and rolled over several times. This will create many puncture wounds on the skin. This will encourage the skin to produce new collagen. Once the needle roller has been rolled over the skin enough, a cream will be applied to soothe the area. In very rare occasions bandages may be used to cover the area for 24 hours or so.

After the treatment, some will experience mild swelling and redness that looks similar to a sunburn. This will subside in 24 to 48 hours. There could also be some pinpoint bleeding with some bruising. After the treatment, within a few weeks the skin will look radiant and smooth. Within a few months, the full effects of micro needling will show through.

What are the benefits of micro needling?

There are many benefits to using skin needling. It is suitable for all types of skin, even thin and sensitive skin types. It can also be used on ethnic or dark skin as it will reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation. This procedure can easily be done in at your local skin clinic setting and will not require any instruments that are expensive. The epidermis will also not be damaged during this procedure, so more than one session can be done and is usually recommended for ultimate results. There is a short downtime associated with this procedure. In only a few days, the patient will be allowed to do normal activities. Skin needling may also reduce the pore size, reduce the oiliness of the skin, help to make acne breakouts minimal, and help medical grade skincare creams be more effective.

What are the side effects of micro needling?

The skin will remain red for a few days following the procedure. Within one week, most of the redness should be gone. It is common for the skin to feel very tight and sore. There may be some oozing and swelling while the skin recovers, and acne flare ups that are mild can be seen. Mila could be a side effect from micro needling, however, this is easily removed. In rare cases, there may be a skin infection with bacteria or a cold sore virus.

Is there anyone that should not have micro needling done?

Those that have the following skin conditions should not consider have micro needling done:

  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • Eczema
  • Poor healing
  • Blood clotting issues
  • Severe solar keratosis
  • Herpes
  • Skin inflammations
  • Moles or warts that are raised
  • Active skin infections
  • Chronic skin disorders
  • Sunburns, open cuts or other sores