Sciton Laser


Sciton Laser

Established in 1997, Sciton is a California company specialising in laser devices designed to treat a broad range of skin conditions, such as vascular lesions, acne, and hair removal, to name a few. The company’s product line mainly revolves around two products; the JOULE and the standalone BBL. The Sciton JOULE is a machine that serves as a versatile laser platform. It has a variety of adaptable modules that deliver different types of laser energy into the skin in order to fine tune treatment to specific skin problems. Think of it like a desktop computer with a large number of connected devices, all of which have a different purpose. The Sciton BBL is a standalone device that does not have as many treatment options but is smaller in size and us portable.

Sciton JOULE

This Sciton device was designed to address quite a few skin problems and to provide the physician with as many options as possible when selecting a course of treatment. For example, the BroadBand Light attachment uses light of different wavelengths to treat problems like age spots, excessive freckles, acne scars, and Rosacea. The ClearScan adapter for the Sciton JOULE treats wrinkles and helps with permanent hair removal, and was designed to speed up the procedure by shooting the energy beams at a higher repetition rate, allowing the physician to spend less time on each section of the skin. The company claims that the ClearScan adapter is safe for all skin tones and does not have any associated patient downtime, although it is always important to remember that with any laser procedure there is a chance of skin discoloration and damage.

The Countour TRL is another module for the Sciton JOULE and was created to address deep wrinkles, scars, and poor skin texture. There are several points that the company likes to make about this model. Firstly, the Sciton Contour module allows the physician more options over how deep into the skin the energy is delivered. Secondly the physician has greater control over the strength of the laser, and whether the cells are ablated (vaporised) or coagulated (damaged, but not completely destroyed). This is an important factor in this Sciton adapter because the depth of the procedure and the strength of the laser play a direct role in the development of side effects and the difficulty of recovery. Although the JOULE has built-in safeguards to diminish inadvertent skin damage, it’s important to realise that the more control a physician has with a potentially dangerous technology, the more experience he or she needs to avoid an accidental mistakes.

However, the Sciton JOULE does not only address skin problems, but also has adapters for addressing troublesome areas of fatty tissue. The ProLipo PLUS, for example, is an attachment that gives the physician the ability to break down fatty tissues into a semi liquid state through pulses of energy. This Sciton adapter can be used on areas like the upper arms, thighs, and the abdomen – areas that can be difficult to tone through exercise alone, especially after pregnancy.

Sciton BBLs

The smaller Sciton device, the BBL, is a portable machine that has a narrower range of treatment options. This device can treat problems like acne, deep scars, Rosacea, and may help tighten skin. However, the Sciton BBL does not give the physician nearly as many options as the JOULE, thereby diminishing the ability to customise treatment on a patient by patient basis. However, the company boasts that this device is able to maintain a precise cooling temperature, to maximise the comfort of the patient and the life of the hand tool.

Sciton Accessories

The company also sells two accessory pieces; the TempASSURE and ClearSense. The Sciton TempASSURE device was designed to allow stronger energy bursts to be used during tissue sculpting procedures. It does so by continuously monitoring the temperature of the patient’s bodily tissues, to prevent serious damage from overheating. ClearSense is a Sciton adapter designed to treat the feet by addressing warts and removing toenail blemishes.   



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