
Meet Ultraformer

For years, facial rejuvenation was all about surgical facelifts; these days however, thanks to the latest technological and medical advances, novel procedures, such as Ultraformer are now available to the public.

A lot has been said these past years about non-invasive technologies that make optimal use of light or radiofrequency technologies, for instance; however, when it comes to assessing results or benefits, some doubts may arise. One of the latest developments in the field of cosmetic technologies involves the discovery of how High Intensity Ultrasound (HIU) can be used to rejuvenate the human skin and treat the symptoms of facial ageing.

Understanding Ultraformer

Utlraformer is a non-invasive technology that uses heat generated from HIU waves to create deep coagulation zones in the skin, which in turn, create an almost instant lifting effect. The beginning of the treatment triggers a process that continues after the first session has taken place.

Within six weeks, the formation of new collagen in the topmost skin layer is initiated. However, the process is not stopped there only. This new collagen continues to improve in quality and strength even after the treatment is over, thus ensuring a longer-term tightening effect.

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How does Ultraformer Work?

Ultraformer has been found to be effective in dealing with all types of sagging skin, both on the face or in different body parts. This is why cosmetic practitioners are using it all over the world with outstanding results for both, facial lifts or body contouring procedures. Nonetheless, it is in the non-invasive facelift that Ultraformer excels the most.

Two different cartridges, providing three different sequences and five different depths, are used to target the needs of the facelift or of body-shaping. Since non-invasive facelifts are the most widely sought-after procedures, it is interesting to know how this process is carried out.

By using an exclusive elliptical transducer to deliver a higher peak power, the Ultraformer is able to reach effective coagulation much quicker than other standard techniques. This also means that a faster and less painful treatment is also possible in a shorter time.

HIFU energy is therefore delivered into the three layers of the human skin –the dermis, the epidermis and the subcutaneous musculoaponeurotic system. Since three different cartridges are used to reach the different levels, targeted effects can be ensured. When energy reaches its highest peak, the tissues are heated and the coagulation process begins, resulting in the immediate tightening of the skin in all of its levels. The collagen boosting process mentioned earlier rounds off the job by ensuring that the tightening effect lasts longer. This long-term effect is, in a way, a healing process of sorts that also contributes to the skin’s self-repair.

Which areas can be treated with Ultraformer?

Most critical areas are included in the targeted zones: forehead wrinkles, drooping eyebrows, eyelid creases, eye contour, jowls and V line forming, double chins, uneven skin tone, minor redness and dry patches, fine lines and wrinkles and finally, loose neck folds.

What to Expect

Patients who will be treated with Ultraformer can expect the following events to happen. Firstly, the targeted area is thoroughly cleaned. The medical practitioner will identify the main areas that will be treated. Next, ultrasound gel is applied on targeted areas so that the ultrasound energy can be delivered. Some tingling or warmth can be felt during the treatment. The entire session takes no longer than 20 or 30 minutes. No aesthetics is used and no downtime required. Facial skin begins to look healthier and brighter almost right away.

Final Comments

As with most novel technologies, there is still a lot to be expected from this treatment. What is already evident is that facelifts will never be the same with Ultraformer.

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