Fractional Laser

Understanding the Fractional Laser

As skin care technology increases, more treatments are becoming available to those with skin problems, and one such procedure is fractional laser treatment. This treatment, which utilises precision lasers to target very small areas of the skin, is used to address a number of skin ailments such as acne scars, uneven pigmentation, and facial wrinkles. Fractional laser treatment is becoming more common as a non-invasive option to the facelift and other cosmetic surgeries, which can take weeks to heal and carry danger of infection and complications. This treatment may not be the best option for everyone, however, as there are several side effects that are associated with the procedure. If you have considered fractional laser surgery as a way to get rid of acne scars, wrinkles, or other skin problems, you should first understand how the procedure works and whether you are a viable candidate for this type of laser surgery.


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How Fractional Laser Treatment Works

Fractional laser treatment surgery works beneath the skin, where it affects both the epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin that’s exposed to the environment, and the dermis is the underlying skin. Age spots and uneven pigmentation begin in the epidermis, where melanin gathers to protect the skin from UV rays, creating dark spots on face and other pigmentation issues. In contrast, the dermis is where the skin’s elastin and collagen are produced, which gives the skin its firmness and elasticity. However, as the skin ages, it loses collagen and becomes less elastic, which causes wrinkles, fine lines, and the sagging that people associate with aging.

During fractional laser treatment, the laser delivers precise and multiple beams into the skin, where it penetrates the epidermis. The cells in the treatment section are destroyed, which boosts cell turnover in the area and stimulates the growth of new collagen. In the case of acne scarring, the lasers work much in the same way to destroy the cells in scarred skin, which eventually reveals new growth underneath. Fractional laser treatment is considered safer than other wider-range laser treatments, as it can target small areas of the skin and leave unaffected areas unharmed.

 What to Expect During the Procedure

Once you are cleared for treatment by your skin care specialist or dermatologist, your treatment will take place at a clinic or in your doctor’s office, as this is considered an outpatient procedure. You should not wear any jewelry or cosmetics during treatment. A numbing cream is applied to the treatment area, which will reduce sensation caused by the lasers. After the cream takes effect, the doctor will apply a gliding gel to the treatment area in order to increase the accuracy of the fractional laser treatment.  Treatment can take anywhere from thirty to sixty minutes; after the treatment is completed, the gel will be washed away and you will be sent home to recover.

Fractional Laser Treatment Side Effects

There are a number of side effects associated with fractional laser treatment, and depending on your skin type, you may experience several of them. The most common side effects that occur with this procedure include redness, stinging, and soreness at the treatment area, as if it feels sunburned. After several days, peeling and flaking may occur as new skin is revealed; this is considered a normal occurrence, particularly if you had epidermal treatment. Some patients experience mild to moderate swelling that usually goes away on its own within 24-48 hours. If you experience any serious swelling or notice anything unusual about the treated area after your fractional laser treatment, you should contact your dermatologist immediately.


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