
Dermabrasion – Treatment, Side Effects and After Care

Dermabrasion is a procedure that many skin specialists perform in the comfort of their office. The upper layers of the skin will be removed with a brush to resurface the skin. The most common area that individuals have dermabrasion done is the face, but it can certainly be performed on other parts of the body. It is used to help improve the appearance of the skin, and is used by those that have fine lines and acne.


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What does dermabrasion treat?

Dermabrasion is used for smoothing the skin out. It is used commonly to treat acne, surgery, or injury scars and ageing skin. Some skin specialists will use it to treat rhinophyma (enlarging of the nose), which is caused by rosacea. Dermabrasion may also be used to remove tattoos, treat uneven skin tones, and treat precancerous skin patches.

How is dermabrasion performed?

The skin that is to be treated should first be cleansed. It will then be marked, and the skin will be numbed. Ice packs can also be applied at this time to the face for up to half an hour prior to the dermabrasion treatment. The skin will be treated in small areas at a time. The rotating brush used will take off the top layer of the skin. This will cause small wounds on the skin that will bleed. The blood will be wiped away with clean gauze, and an ointment will be applied with a dressing to keep the wounds clean.

After dermabrasion is performed, it will take the skin 5 to 8 days to heal. New skin will be formed, which will be pink to red in colour. The skin will fade over time, in a time span of 6 to 12 weeks.

Does Dermabrasion hurt?

Dermabrasion can be uncomfortable. The skin will be numbed prior to the treatment, and ice packs will be used. Pain medication can be prescribed as well. The skin may feel like it has been brush burned for few days after the procedure. Most individuals report a feeling of mild to moderate discomfort, with some itching or a tightness.

What are the side effects of dermabrasion?

Side effects of dermabrasion include infection due to the wounds that the process creates, formation of scars, and an uneven change in skin colour that can be temporary or permanent. The skin may also darken, which is usually temporary but can remain permanent.

After dermabrasion is done, there may be an increase in pore size. This will subside after any swelling has gone down. Rarely, dermabrasion can cause a fungal, viral, or bacterial infection. This is the same virus that can cause cold sores.

Can dermabrasion be used by everyone?

Dermabrasion is not for everyone. Those that have used certain acne medications in the past year should not have dermabrasion done. Individuals with burn scars caused by radiation should avoid dermabrasion as well, and anyone with a recurring herpes simplex infection should not have the procedure done.

Is there anything one should do after dermabrasion?

Following dermabrasion, an individual should not drink any alcohol for 48 hours. The patient should also refrain from smoking. Any products that contain aspirin will not be able to be taken for a week after dermabrasion. Showers will not be permitted within the first 48 hours, but a bath may be taken as long as the area that was treated does not get wet.

Direct sunlight and wind will need to be avoided for 4 to 6 months after the procedure. These two elements can cause blotchy pigmentation in those individuals that have had dermabrasion done. Should an individual have to go in the sun, an SPF should be applied and a wide brimmed hat should be worn. The sunscreen should have an SPF of at least 30.


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4 replies
  1. happy results
    happy results says:

    I had dermabrasion done a few years ago and it was the best choice that I have made for my skin and my health. I was a smoker, and this helped me quit. My dermatologist advised me to stop smoking before the procedure was done, so week before the procedure, I started on nicotine gum. He said that two weeks after I had the procedure done I could start smoking again if I wished. But by then I had not had a cigarette in three weeks, so I kept it up. Part of the reason one should not smoke with a procedure like this is because smoking slows the healing process because it decreases the blood flow. Dermabrasion did hurt a bit for me, I will not lie. But it has made my face look so much better. I look younger and once the skin healed, my face glowed. People gave me compliments all the time. They could not put their finger on it, but said that somehow I had changed. I would do dermabrasion again if need be because it was something that made my skin look amazing.

  2. considering ..
    considering .. says:

    I have never had dermabrasion done but it seems like it might be a good procedure for me to look into. I have some fine lines and wrinkles on my face that I want to badly eliminate. I just do not feel like myself with these lines. I know that we all age but I do not want to age this fast. Dermabrasion seems like it would work well for me, as I can tolerate pain to full extent. I feel like I am a good candidate for dermabrasion, and will be sure to ask my dermatologist what he thinks.

  3. Emma T.
    Emma T. says:

    I have had dermabrasion done before. I must say my dermatologist did an amazing job. She explained the entire procedure to me before hand so I knew what was to be expected. This is very helpful when you have no idea what to expect. I only had to have dermabrasion done on a very small patch of my skin. The procedure only took a matter of minutes. I tolerated the pain well due to the fact that the area was so small and that it was numbed very well. Plus my dermatologist sent me home with a prescription as well for pain medication. My skin had to be covered for the first 24 hours, and then I went back in for a check up, at which point they instructed me how to change my own dressing. I will say that you must keep the area very clean. I was cleaning my wounds once a day and then apply Vaseline to it to keep it moist. I am not sure if this is something that every doctor has their patient do, but this is just what my doctor recommended that I do.

  4. hello
    hello says:

    On a scale of one to ten, how bad does dermabrasion hurt for most people? I am interested in having the procedure done, but I must admit that I am a wimp when it comes to pain. I know that they numb the area, and give pain killers. So that part is good for me at least. I also want to know, is one awake during dermabrasion? Or do they put you under while doing it? Or is there a choice as to which you would like done? I only ask because I have a very large portion of my face that would need to be treated, and so I think that it would be nice to not be awake for it.


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