Laser Liposuction

 Laser Liposuction Review

Laser liposuction is a non-invasive procedure which will remove unwanted fat from the body. It can be used on many areas of the body, including the face, neck, arms, back, chin, knees, thighs, and abdomen.  Laser liposuction can even be used to remove male breast excess. Those that may wish to consider laser liposuction include those that have mild to moderate skin laxity, as well as those that have excess fat in mild to moderate amounts. Those that have cellulite, scarring from a previous surgery or dimpling can also benefit from laser liposuction. Individuals should be within 30% of their body weight and be healthy. Many that diet and exercise but still can not lose the extra weight will find that they are a good candidate for laser liposuction. Laser liposuction is not intended for anyone that does not have good skin elasticity nor for those that have an excess of skin, or those that have lost an excessive amount of weight. Please take note that laser liposuction is not intended for those that would like to treat obesity, nor can it remove stretch marks or cellulite.

What can an individual expect during a laser liposuction treatment?

A low energy light will be used to break up the fat cells. There are two forms of laser liposuction. The first method utilises three steps:

  1. The laser will be used to break down fat cell walls, which in turn allow fatty oils to leak out. With this method, the small blood vessels are found in the skin which the laser will coagulate, which will lead to less bruising post procedure.
  2. The laser will then be used to stimulate more collagen in the superficial layer, or just under the skin. This will enhance the quality of skin in the post treatment period.
  3. Cell fragments and oils will then be removed, which leads to a reduction in size.

The second method utilises only the first two steps above. In step three, the cell fragments and oils will be absorbed into the body rather than removing them. This method is usually used where skin is not as thick, such as the face, or in areas of the body that only skin tightening is needed.

What are the risks and benefits associated with laser liposuction?

Just as with any procedure performed, there are risks and benefits. Risks for laser liposuction include contour irregularities, in which the skin is not smooth like it once was and instead has lumps. More surgery could be needed to correct this issue. Sagging skin can be experienced, especially in those individuals that have little elasticity to the skin. Bruising, swelling, and general discomfort may be seen after the procedure is done. To promote healing, individuals may wish to wear a compression garment that can also decrease swelling. Mild pain medications may be prescribed for any discomfort felt.

Benefits of laser liposuction include a reduction in blood fat levels, improved mobility, improved posture, reduction in inflammatory cells, and improved self confidence.

What can an individual expect after laser liposuction?

After laser liposuction is performed, an individual can expect the area to be wrapped firmly to help reduce any swelling, bruising, and pain. As soon as an individual feels comfortable, they may return to their normal activities.

How much is laser liposuction?

Laser liposuction costs will vary based on who is performing the procedure, the clinic where the procedure is being performed, the facility type an individual utilises (hospital or cosmetic clinic), as well as the area the procedure will be performed on and the number of areas that will be treated.

5 replies
  1. Tay
    Tay says:

    Laser liposuction is a great way to see results. I have dieted and exercised all my life. I am a very active person, however, for some reason or another, fat really likes to just deposit itself onto my thighs. Why I am not really sure. I was not happy with my thighs and rarely wore shorts. I would make a made dash for the pool when I wore a swim suit and make my husband go get a towel so I could quickly cover up just so others did not have to see my thunder thighs. Now I feel that I don’t have to do that so much. My thighs look so much better, not as chunky as they used to look. I look great, feel great and have more confidence then I have had in years! I am so glad that I had laser liposuction done, and I do recommend it to anyone that wants to better themselves without having to go through many different procedures to get there.

  2. K
    K says:

    What a great article on laser liposuction. I have been wanting to do liposuction for a while now, and never even knew there was such a thing as laser liposuction. I feel that I really want to do this procedure. I have my stomach area that really bothers me greatly. I feel that it is unsightly and I just want to shape up a bit there. I am not fat by any means and I do exercise and diet. However, no matter how much I run or how many crunches I do, I have a pooch there. I would just love to have some of the fat broken up there to look better each year in my swim suit. I have zero self confidence and would love to have more!

  3. Morgani
    Morgani says:

    How soon will I see results with laser liposuction? Will results be seen immediately, or will results gradually come on as with some of the other treatments that are done on the skin? And how many treatments are needed on an area? One final question…if I decide that not enough fat was broken down, can I have the treatment done again in the same area?

  4. Don't be careless!!
    Don't be careless!! says:

    A tip that I can offer is that you must talk to the doctor performing the procedure about what you are currently taking for medications and supplements. Many do not realize that vitamin E, aspirin, and some other products will help to form blood clots. And there may be an increase in bleeding if anti-inflammatory medications are used. An individual may have to stop the use of some of the products before the procedure is done.

  5. Tips!
    Tips! says:

    I have had laser liposuction before. I am going to offer my two cents about some tips. My doctor told me that it would be beneficial to me to maintain a healthy weight before the laser liposuction. He also stated that firm skin with good elastic is the best kind of skin to do the procedure on. And always, no matter what you think or how you are feeling, follow your doctors orders after the procedure. If they give compression garments to wear around the area that was done to reduce swelling, then you must wear them. I did, but only because I had a friend that did this same procedure and she thought the garment looked tacky so she did not wear it. And then guess what happened…she swelled up a lot and looked horrible. These doctors tell you things for a reason, so you must do what they tell you to do.


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