How to Get Clear Skin

Advanced Dermatology’s Tips of How to get Clear Skin

Many on us are on a mission to find out the secrets on how to get clear skin fast. Clear skin can be defined as skin that is free of acne, acne scars, blackheads and generally a clear complexion. This can be achieved by finding a skincare regimen that works well for the skin. This includes washing your face daily, exfoliating, wearing sunscreen, and taking care of the face in general.

When on a mission to find out the best ways on how to get clear skin, you should start by examining your skincare routine. The face should be washed twice per day, once in the morning and again at night. Look for a gentle cleanser. Use a soft washcloth or the fingertips to work the cleanser into the skin. A skin brush may also be used to deep clean the skin. The next step is a toner, which should be alcohol free. This will help to remove any residue that is left from the cleanser. The third step should include moisturising the skin. We recommended that those with oily skin use a light weight gel formula during the day, and possibly a heavier moisturiser at night. Those with normal or dry skin can use a heavier moisturiser if they wish. Remember that each night, all traces of dirt and makeup should be removed from the skin. Leaving makeup on overnight can clog the pores, which will only lead to more pimples.

One tip that is useful to know when finding out how to get perfect skin is to exfoliate the skin on a regular basis. This can be done a few times per week. Look for a product that is still gentle to the skin. Often times, smaller granules of the exfoliating product will be gentler.

Some of you may not realise that when they are on the search for how to get clear skin, you also need to think about sunscreen. Did you know that many acne products on the market today make the skin more susceptible to sun damage? This is why it is essential to wear a high quality sunscreen each day. An SPF of 30 or higher should be used.

If you have suffered from acne previously, and they have left scars, it is best to use a product that contains salicylic acid and licorice root, as these ingredients will fade the acne scars over time. It is equally as important to remember if acne do pop up, they should never be squeezed or popped. As tempting as it is to do, this will only lead to infection and possible scarring. Touching the face will also transfer the oils from the hands to the face, which will only help to clog the pores.

We recommended that in order to get clear skin, water be drank throughout the day to help keep the skin clear. Six to eight glasses is a great place to start. Cut out sugary drinks from the diet, and eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to help with clear skin. An individual should aim for at least 8 hours of sleep per night. To ensure that the skin is getting the most out of this, an individual should wash their pillowcases at least once during the week to remove any dirt and debris that may be trapped in the pillow case.

Early intervention is the key to clearing the skin. Look for a quality skin care line up to help intervene. One on the market today is the Advanced Dermatology skin care line. This six step lineup includes a daily cleanser, a youth serum, a night cream, a regeneration cream, a day cream, and an eye cream. This comprehensive skin care system is often what is desired when individuals are on the lookout for how to get clear skin.

4 replies
  1. Debbie
    Debbie says:

    I am so glad that I found this article on how to clear your skin. I have struggled the past few months with really bad pimples on my face. I never used to get acne at all. But right now I am majorly stressed out in my life and I feel that this is the cause of all the acne. I am interested in trying a good skincare line up but really have never had to buy anything like this. I just used good old fashioned Dial soap. I am interested in learning more about the Advanced Dermatology line that was referred to here. I like the idea of the products all working together to create perfect and flawless skin.

  2. krauss
    krauss says:

    How to get clear skin is something that I have googled for the past few weeks. I am so ready for summer to come on, but with that means that in the fall I get my senior pictures taken for high school. I have some pimples here and there on my face but I want to find ways on how to get clear skin fast. I am going to up my water intake, find a gentle cleanser, and use a toner as well. I have heard great things about witch hazel being a good toner. Does anyone else use this or care to recommend a toner that will help to make my skin look perfect? I am also going to start wearing sunscreen on my face under my makeup as I do not want any damage done to the skin.

  3. MOH!
    MOH! says:

    I have been looking for ways on how to get clear skin fast. My sister is getting married in August and I am her maid of honor. I do not want to embarrass myself with the acne scars and pimples that I currently have. I have started to use a skin care system that was designed for acne. I make sure to wash my face twice per day, and also after I have worked out. I am not into wearing sunscreen on my face. I know that this sounds really bad, but hear me out before you judge. I have acne prone skin and the sunscreens that I have worn just clog up my pores. I would like to find a sunscreen that is light weight and will protect good that will not clog my pores. Does anyone have a solution for this?

  4. honeymay
    honeymay says:

    For years, I struggled with finding ways to get perfect skin. I washed my face with every cleanser, bar soap, scrub, and anything else that I thought would help. Nothing really worked. Until I started to take better care of my skin. I realized that no matter how hard I looked for finding ways on how to get flawless skin, I was the one that was doing the real damage. I did not care how harsh any cleansers were on my skin. I even used rubbing alcohol on my skin at one point. But then I discovered that I needed to use only gentle products on my skin, and also not use so much of them. I stopped using hot water to wash my face and went to Luke warm water. I made sure that I was getting all traces of my cleanser off my face, and I started to eat right. I now include as many fresh fruits and veggies into my diet as I can and I drink lemon water. This is a great way to get clearer skin fast. I am amazed by how switching some very simple things up can make such a huge difference.


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