
eMatrix – Fractional Laser Rejuvenation. Consumer Guide.

What Syneron eMatrix fractional Can Do for Your Skin

Cosmetic laser and light treatments are consistently on the rise because they do not require surgical penetration of the skin or extensive recovery periods. If you want to revitalize your skin and look more youthful as you age, eMatrix rejuvenation is one procedure that you should learn more about. Instead of utilising harsh lasers, this technology uses the most advanced Fractional technology available to date. This procedure is also known as Sublative rejuvenation treatment.


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The fractional energy emitted from eMatrix differs from laser treatments because they reach deep into the skin, leaving the surface (superficial layers) with little direct impact. This means that with eMatrix you can go back to work or otherwise carry on with your day directly after having the procedure. You may not want to book a special occasion within two days of a treatment, but you also do not have to book off work or rearrange your life as you would with a more invasive procedure.

Sublative rejuvenation treatments are used to stimulate the production of collagen in deep skin tissue and rejuvenate surface skin. Many common signs of ageing can be improved with this type of advanced fractional laser treatment, but it is also used to help with scarring and pigmentation issues that can negatively impact self-esteem. The eMatrix is also a procedure that everyone can benefit from, since it works well on all skin types and tones.

Do You Need eMatrix Treatment?

If you want to look younger or have flaws in your skin that you would like to correct, there is a good chance that sublative rejuvenation can help. The treatment is known to tighten skin from the deepest layers to the surface layers while rejuvenating and refreshing surface skin. This means there are many possible applications. Here are some of the most common reasons people are investing in this eMatrix laser rejuvenation treatment today:

  • Wrinkles
  • Sagging skin
  • Scars
  • Irregular skin texture
  • Superficial lesions
  • Uneven skin tone

If you have mild to moderate scars left from acne, are tired of looking at saggy skin, or simply want to eliminate as many wrinkles as possible so that you look younger, you may be a good candidate for eMatrix fractional laser treatment. Experienced professionals can select from multiple frequencies of energy when preparing for a treatment, so they can adjust each session to your individual needs.

When compared to other treatments known for tightening skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and evening out the skin tone and texture, sublative rejuvenation is far superior and in our studies significantly outperforms other skin resurfacing lasers including Fraxel. It reaches deeper into the skin and causes far less damage to surface skin. Less damage on the surface skin means fewer visible signs that you had a procedure on your face and less downtime after the procedure. That is why this is considered a true “lunch hour” cosmetic procedure. Leave the office at lunch hour, and return with a radiating glow to your skin.

What to Expect from Treatment

Any type of cosmetic procedure should always start with a thorough consultation with a professional at a skin rejuvenation clinic trained to perform this specific type of treatment. The provider will go over your medical history and discuss any potential health problems that may exclude you as a good candidate for this procedure. He or she will also examine your skin and discuss the expectations you have for the results of the treatment.

If you are considered a suitable candidate for eMatrix treatment, the provider will describe how the procedure works, how many treatment sessions you will need to reach your specific goals (usually only one or two), and the length of time to wait between treatment sessions. The more damaged your skin is now, the more sessions you will need to get great results. On an ongoing basis, if you would like to maintain the results, you may need touch-up sessions to ensure that your skin keeps that fresh look over time.

All of these specifics vary from one person to another, depending on your skin rejuvenation goals and the condition of your skin. When you go in for your first appointment, you can expect it to take no more than an hour. Most treatments are easily completed in less than 30 minutes. You can expect minor swelling and possibly some small marks on the skin, but you should be able to resume normal activity immediately after the procedure is completed.

If you receive treatment at a high-energy frequency, you can expect more swelling than someone who received treatment at a lower frequency. Your provider will use their training and experience to determine the most appropriate frequency level for your skin and the goals you want to reach. He or she should select the lowest possible frequency in order to deliver the expected results. If your skin is severely damaged, you will likely discuss the frequency that your provider is suggesting. Ask if you may experience more swelling than others if you know your provider mentioned using a higher frequency setting.

What Makes eMatrix Technology Different

There are so many laser and light procedures on the market today that it gets confusing when you try to compare them all. Many of these procedures claim to do the same thing: stimulate the production of collagen to tighten and rejuvenate the skin, resulting in a fresher, more youthful overall appearance. Yet, there are some key differences that make sublative technology superior to the other treatments:

  • This is one of the most precise procedures offered today. Doctors can watch what is happening beneath the skin on a screen, adjusting the treatment in real time as necessary. This increases precision, rewarding you with results that are superior to treatments that simply spray the skin with laser or energy streams at random. The treatment is focused on the exact areas of skin that you want to tighten and refresh.
  • New collagen production is stimulated from deeper skin tissue, resulting in better and longer lasting results.
  • The surface layer of skin is not extensively damaged. You can walk out looking similar to how you did when you arrived rather than having to take a few days off until the visible signs of a procedure disappear. Less damage means less pain and less chance that anyone else will know you just received a cosmetic procedure.

eMatrix or Sublative rejuvenation is a non-invasive laser skin treatment option using advanced radiofrequency technology most ideal for anyone who wants to freshen up their look without having surgery. If you are concerned about taking time off work or away from your family, this procedure does not take long to complete and require little to no downtime afterwards. For

This cost of this procedure in Sydney is in line with many other cosmetic procedures today. Depending on the size of the area targeted, it can run anywhere from $500 to $1500 per treatment. Visit Advanced Dermatology to learn more about sublative rejuvenation and the eMatrix fractional laser technology. If you are interested in treatment please visit our treatment information page URL or call us on 1300 788 800.


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