Spider Vein Treatment

Spider Vein Treatment Plan – What are Your Options?

While the development of spider veins increases with age, there is no reason to suffer with these unsightly marks. There are many spider vein treatment options available on the market today. There has been much advancement in technology and laser treatments to address spider veins have become incredibly effective. It is worth at least considering your treatment options before you decide to simply live with your vein concerns.

In most cases, an effective spider vein treatment plan will consist of natural lifestyle adjustments and non-surgical cosmetic treatments. You may need just one treatment to get rid of a few small spider veins, or you may need a series of treatments to eliminate a more severe case. You can make that determination after you have an initial consultation with our trained professionals, but this information will allow you to walk into your initial consultation with some understanding of possible treatment options.

Compression Therapy

This is the simplest form of treatment for spider veins. You wear graduated compression stockings or garments that apply pressure around the affected area of your body. This pressure helps the veins force blood back to the heart more efficiently. This is the same treatment used to improve blood flow in varicose veins.

For many people with mild spider vein problems, this is enough to reduce the appearance of existing spider veins and prevent future occurrences, especially when compression therapy is combined with natural lifestyle remedies. Later in this guide, you will learn more about the natural lifestyle changes that can help control, relieve and prevent vein problems.

Put Your Feet Up

Keeping the legs elevated is another way to help restore natural blood flow through your veins. While sitting with your legs raised as often as possible may help prevent future problems with your veins, this is typically only one part of a more complicated treatment plan for spider veins.

Laser Treatment for Spider Veins

If you do not get the results you want from lifestyle change, including compression therapy and keeping your legs raised as often as possible, you may consider cosmetic procedures that deliver more impressive results. Thanks to the advancement of technology, laser procedures are now the best option you have for eliminating the spider veins that are currently affecting your body. You will get the best results when you combine your laser treatments with lifestyle adjustments.

Laser treatments are completed in less than an hour and allow you to return to your daily life immediately after your appointment. No one has to know that you have undergone spider vein treatment unless you tell him or her yourself. When you use the powerful, safe and effective spider vein laser treatment, you can expect to see some improvement in the appearance of your veins immediately.

It typically takes two or three laser treatments to significantly reduce or completely eliminate the appearance of spider veins. If you have a more severe case that covers a large area of your body, you may need more treatment sessions. This will be discussed during your initial consultation when your medical professional thoroughly reviews your medical history and examine the area you want treated.

Laser treatment is performed with a handheld device that emits light frequencies into the veins. The goal is to close up the veins so that they are no longer available for blood flow. Your body will naturally compensate by turning the vein into scar tissue and sending your blood through healthier veins. This is why it is so important to make lifestyle changes that will help prevent the problem from occurring in those other veins.

There is some risk of developing side effects from laser treatment, such as:

  • Burns
  • Skin irritation
  • Swelling
  • Skin discoloration

You can drastically reduce your risk of suffering these side effects by selecting a well-trained, experienced medical provider qualified to deliver this type of laser treatment. The professionals at Advanced Dermatology have experience with state-of-the-art elōs treatment, in order to maximize patient results while reducing the associated risks.


This is often considered an alternative to laser treatment for spider veins, but it is not the ideal option for most people. The procedure requires a trained professional to inject each of the spider veins with a medication that causes the vein walls to expand and then collapse. The body eventually turns the veins into scar tissue, in similar way to what happens with the less time-consuming laser procedures that are now available.

Just like laser therapy, this treatment is best combined with natural preventative treatment options. The treatment will cause significant reduction in the appearance of your spider veins over a period of weeks, but you still need to make sure your lifestyle does not encourage the development of new spider veins. You may need multiple sclerotherapy treatments before you completely eliminate your spider veins to satisfaction.

Preventative Lifestyle Changes

Whether you decide to go through with cosmetic procedures to reduce the appearance of your spider veins or not, it is important to make lifestyle changes to prevent future problems. If you decide to forego treatment for your spider veins, you may notice that your vein problems worsen with time if you do not take action. If you do have your veins treated, you may develop additional spider veins in the future if you do not make some changes.

All of the following lifestyle factors can significantly increase your chances of developing spider veins and may aggravate the spider veins that you already have:

  • Lack of movement
  • Obesity
  • Excessive sitting
  • Excessive standing
  • Hormonal fluctuations
  • Exposure to sunlight

You can probably identify which of these risk factors are currently at play in your life, and it is not difficult to determine lifestyle changes that can lower your risk. For instance, if you know that you are overweight, you may start focusing on good nutrition and add exercise into your daily life in order to reduce your risk. If your job requires you to sit at a desk most of the day, you may set a goal of getting up and walk around the office every hour or two.

Simple lifestyle changes such as going for walks or running around the yard with your children can help improve the spider veins you already have and prevent the development of future vein problems. You may still opt to seek treatment for your spider veins, but these lifestyle changes are essential if you do not want to have repeat treatments as new veins appear in the future.

Create Your Treatment Plan

When used independently, cosmetic procedures and lifestyle changes cannot guarantee that you will never again suffer from spider veins. That is why a comprehensive treatment plan includes a variety of methods to prevent and treat vein problems. As you work to fight spider veins, you will also work to prevent and eliminate varicose veins that are often caused by the same conditions as spider veins.

Begin your spider vein treatment plan with graduated compression therapy and a more active lifestyle. At the same time, if you are not there already, work toward achieving a healthy body weight. Most importantly, visit a qualified medical professional for a consultation to review your treatment options.

Varicose Veins

Understanding Varicose Veins

Many women wear longer shorts or avoid bathing suits because of the unflattering appearance of various features of their thighs. For one person it maybe cellulite, for another it might be unwanted hair, while for others, it may be protruding blue-ish veins. The dark colour of varicose veins ensures that they stand out and draw attention to themselves, and that leads to lowered self-confidence for many people during warmer seasons of the year.

Varicose veins can also be uncomfortable, and in some cases, cause significant pain. They are often thought of as an older person’s problem, but you don’t have to be elderly to suffer.

This guide will help you understand what varicose veins are so that you can identify problems they may create for your own health. If you currently suffer from this problem, reading this guide will also be useful in describing the various treatment options for varicose veins.

What are Varicose Veins?

Think of your veins and arteries as your internal highway network. They run throughout the body and allow blood to flow between your heart and other organs and cells that need the nourishment and support found within that blood. Arteries carry the blood from your heart, and veins bring the blood back to your heart. Once it returns to the heart, it is refreshed once again in the lungs and circulates back out through your arteries. You can’t live without adequate blood circulation, so healthy veins are critical to your health.

When veins become enlarged and push outward on the skin covering the surface of your body, they are known as varicose veins. If you have ever seen someone with swollen, dark veins that protrude out of their skin, you have seen this type of vein. If you have some of them on your body, you may have noticed that they started standing out in a subtle manner and progress over time. What starts out as a darker-than-usual vein may end up a swollen, protruding varicose vein.

In most cases, this problem occurs in the thighs, legs and ankles, but it is possible for other areas of the body to be affected. Most people seek treatment for these veins because they are unattractive and force sufferers to stop wearing short pants, bathing suits and other revealing pieces of clothing.

If you suffer pain or discomfort from your varicose veins, then you are even more likely to seek out treatment. Luckily, treatment options are growing with modern technological developments, so you do not have to continue suffering from these oversized veins.

Why Do Veins Become Enlarged?

Typically, varicose veins are caused by the weakening of tiny valves that open and shut to allow blood to flow through toward your heart. When the valves stop functioning efficiently, blood starts to flow backward through the veins rather than forward. This creates a backup, and the excess blood causes the vein to become engorged.

There are a variety of reasons for which this could occur, but age is one of the most important factors. With time, the veins lose elasticity and the valves grow weaker. This is similar to your facial skin developing lines and wrinkles or you’re the skin on your neck losing elasticity and starting to sag. It is a common process as the body is ages, and the problem can get worse as the years pass if you do not intervene medically.

Many women develop varicose veins during pregnancy because the amount of blood flowing through the veins increases substantially. The extra blood is needed to sustain the life of the growing fetus, but it can create negative side effects for the veins. Anytime that you experience a shift in your hormonal balance you may also experience changes in blood circulation. This increases your chances of developing circulatory problems, and another explanation for the reason swollen veins are so common for pregnant women.

The Most Common Symptoms of Varicose Veins

In most cases, you will know that you have varicose veins because you see the dark blue, swollen veins poking out of your skin. You may also notice that the veins simply appear darker or more prominent before they actually start to bulge out of the skin. Many people notice that their veins appear twisted in addition to looking swollen and darker in colour.

Not everyone experiences pain or discomfort from this problem, but you may experience one or more of the following symptoms in addition to the cosmetic changes:

  • Aching legs
  • Heaviness in legs
  • Muscle cramps
  • Swelling
  • Throbbing or burning sensation
  • Skin itching (close to the vein)

If you notice ulcers developing around your ankles, this is not a normal symptom of harmless varicose veins. It is a symptom of vascular disease, so you should seek medical treatment immediately.

Preventing and Treating Your Veins Naturally

Whether you already suffer from varicose veins or not, an active lifestyle with routine exercise will support the health of your veins and maximize the efficiency of blood circulation. Your body is made for movement, so you need to move around as often as possible to keep the blood flowing steadily through your arteries and veins. When you sit for long periods of time, you allow the blood to pool in the veins of your lower body, and that puts you at greater risk of developing varicose veins.

If you do have to sit for long periods of time, try to elevate your legs and change positions in your chair frequently to keep some movement going in your lower body. Take frequent breaks so that you can get up and move around, encouraging the blood to continue circulating through your veins efficiently.

Living with Varicose Veins

If you have already developed varicose veins or are seeing initial signs that you will one day suffer from this problem, right now is the time to start improving the health of your veins. Many sufferers find that graduated compression garments help alleviate pain and discomfort and improve circulation.

Treatment for Varicose Veins

You can choose to treat your varicose veins so that they are less prominent. Not only will this alleviate any pain or discomfort that you feel, but it will get rid of the unattractive dark veins protruding from your skin.

At Advanced Dermatology, we treat varicose veins with effective, state-of-the-art laser vein removal. It is the only treatment of its kind approved by the FDA that is approved for removal of not only spider veins – the little surface capillaries – and varicose veins.

Surgical removal is the only other effective option, but is a solution that is associated with pain, risk and significant recovery time.

If you are not currently experiencing pain or significant discomfort from your protruding veins, you may still want to explore your treatment options just to improve your self-confidence. Your mental health is just as important to a healthy, well-balanced life as health problems that cause pain. If you struggle with accepting your body and wearing the clothing that you want to wear because of your unattractive veins, there are simple, safe and effective treatments that can give you back your confidence.

Aging Skin

Define Aging Skin

As we go through the years, our skin will age. It is a fact of life. However, the way that you handle the skin now will determine what your skin will look like in years to come. There are three main parts to the skin : the outer part, also referred to as the epidermis, the middle part, which is the dermis and the inner layer under the dermis called the subcutaneous layer. This layer contains sweat glands, some hair follicles, fat and blood vessels. There is also connective tissue with collagen fibers in each layer that gives support and elastic fibers to give strength and flexibility.

How does the skin age?

There are two types of aging in our skin. It can be caused by genetics, which is intrinsic aging, or internal aging. Extrinsic, or external aging, is caused by factors in the environment, such as pollution or exposure to the sun’s rays.

Intrinsic aging

Intrinsic aging is the process that usually begins in our mid 20’s. This is known as the natural skin aging process. The collagen production will slow down, and elastin will have much less bounce and spring to it. New turnover of skin cells is slower, as the dead skin cells on our skin do not shed as quickly as they once did. Signs of intrinsic aging include lines and wrinkles, sagging skin as the bones shrink away from the skin, thin skin, skin that is transparent, dry skin that can itch, inability to sweat, loss of fat underneath the skin, which can lead to hollow cheeks and eye sockets, and a loss of firmness of the neck and the hands.

Extrinsic aging

Extrinsic aging can be caused by a number of things, such as the sun, our sleeping positions, smoking, and repetitive facial expressions. When one gets too much sun exposure, freckles, age spots, spider veins, fine wrinkles and rough skin can appear. A loose or blotchy complexion can also be a result of excessive sun exposure. When one is repeatedly exposed to the sun, the skin will not be able to repair itself. UV rays break down collagen and new collagen is not able to be produced like it should be. Sleeping positions can also lead to aging skin, with wrinkles forming in the skin. These wrinkles become etched into the skin over time, and will not disappear like they once would. Woman usually notice these lines on their chins and cheeks while men see them on their foreheads. If one sleeps on their back, these lines will not be formed as they are not smashing the skin against a pillow.

What can accelerated the process of aging?

Smoking causes accelerated aging. Smoking causes biochemical changes in the body. Quitting smoking greatly reduces the number of deeply wrinkled skin. Skin can become leathery and severely wrinkled if one smokes.

Repeated facial expressions can cause aging to the skin. Many feel that doing facial exercises will slow down the aging process, but in reality, they are only helping themselves age more. A groove will form under the skin when a facial expression is made. Over time, a wrinkle is formed there.

How to prevent aging skin at an early age?

To prevent skin from aging at an early age, one can do many things. First and foremost, stay out of the sun during peak hours of the day when the sun’s UV rays are the most intense. Wear a quality sunscreen and apply it at least 30 minutes before heading outdoors. Wear sunglasses and a hat to protect the skin, and consider wearing light long sleeved shirts. Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours or after water exposure. Avoid tanning in tanning beds, as this will accelerate the aging process on the skin.

Aging skin treatment

Should you have aging skin already, there are treatments that one can have done. Dermabrasion, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion can all help the skin appear to be younger. Surgery can be done on the face, such as a facelift or eyebrow lift. Retinoid creams can be purchased over the counter, or a stronger solution can be prescribed by your dermatologist. Laser skin resurfacing can improve the wrinkles on the skin and also help tighten loose skin.

Excess Skin after Weight Loss

Gastric bypass surgery can perform miracles for those who are severely overweight, but it can cause some complications, and one of the most common is to have excess skin after weight loss that is very rapid. In such situations, patients tend to lose a lot of weight in a very short amount of time, which can cause significant amounts of sagging skin, because it cannot respond fast enough to the rapid decrease of tissue underneath. Excess skin after weight loss is most common in the arms, abdomen, and the buttocks, which can create unsightly rolls that are frustrating for those who have already lost the weight and want to see a change in their self image. However, there are several options to deal with loose skin, including skin removal surgery as well as non-surgical options. If you are dealing with excess skin after weight loss, make sure to carefully consider your options before jumping into action because you want to see rapid results. You’ve already come a long way, and it’s important to select a procedure that will help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted, and not hurt all the effort you’ve put into your transformation.

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Non-Surgical Options to Get Rid of Excess Skin after Weight Loss

While there are limited non-surgical options to get rid of excess skin after weight loss, there are several things you can do if you’re suffering from this issue. Over-the-counter skin firming lotions can help, as many of these lotions contain retinol, an ingredient that can boost collagen production and help tighten skin from beneath the surface. The effects of firming lotion will take some time to show, and it’s important that you keep your expectations realistic, especially if you use it on thicker sagging skin, such as the skin on the abdomen.

Another non-invasive way to tighten excess skin after weight loss is to tone your muscles. One of the reasons that skin sags after weight loss is that the fat that used to be underneath it is lost, leaving sagging skin. Toning your muscles and building up new muscle will replace the fat beneath the skin and help to keep it firm. It is important to work with your doctor when you start building muscle, as you will want to start out slowly with lifting small weights and doing other toning exercises. This will take time, but you will see results within several months and this natural way may be a safer option for losing excess skin after weight loss than surgery.

Surgical Options

If you have severe excess skin after weight loss that is affecting your ability to walk properly, exercise, or that is causing skin sores, your doctor may recommend skin removal surgery. During this procedure, you will be put under general anesthesia and the doctor will surgically remove the extra skin and then stitch the area where it was removed so that it no longer sags. This is a common surgery for gastric bypass patients who have an “apron” of excess skin after weight loss on their abdomen that muscle toning will not address.

Another option that you may consider to get rid of excess skin after weight loss is to undergo body sculpting. This kind of surgical procedure will lift sagging skin in the arms, breasts, and buttocks. This is a surgical procedure, and it is important that you are in good health and that your weight loss has stabilized. During body sculpting surgery, skin will be both repositioned and/or removed; depending on how much is present and the kind of result you want to achieve. In addition, the incisions that are necessary for this type of surgery may be quite long and not always easy to hide. If you do not want to deal with any type of scarring, this may not be your best option for getting rid of excess skin after weight loss.

Skin Pigmentation

Understanding Skin Pigmentation Problems

 People of any skin type or tone can suffer from a number of skin pigmentation issues that cause discolouration, dark spots on face, irregular pigmentation, and extreme freckling. While some of these issues are genetic, others can be caused by environmental factors or when the body produces too much melanin, which is the pigment that gives skin its colour. Skin pigmentation issues can be medically treated through a number of different procedures that may either fade or erase dark or light areas. Many of these procedures can be done on an outpatient basis and allow those who undergo them to avoid a lengthy hospital stay. Any individual who has skin pigmentation issues should make an effort to understand the root cause of the problem, in order to select the best treatment option, and clearly understand any long-term side effects associated with these treatments.

 The Causes of Skin Pigmentation Problems

DNA and the genes that people inherit from their parents determine the colour of their skin and how much melanin it contains. However, skin pigmentation can change due to controllable factors such as UV exposure from the sun and from tanning booths, or the use of long-term use of harsh skin cleansers or brighteners.

Problems from underlying skin conditions like melasma and vitiligo, can also lead to pigmentation problems. In such cases, the skin pigmentation issue is almost always caused by production of either too much or too little melanin. Melasma often occurs in expectant mothers when hormone surges cause an increase in skin pigmentation, but it can happen to almost anyone. Vitiligo, which causes a depigmentation of the skin, usually occurs in people with darker skin and is more common in women who are pregnant and young people because of shifts in hormone levels.

These skin pigmentation problems are not the only cause of uneven skin tone. Age spots or other dark spots which are caused by exposure to the sun, can also disrupt proper pigmentation. Harsh chemical peels that contain glycolic acids and other chemicals that remove layers of dead skin can also cause dark or light blotches to appear over time, especially if they are used often. However, not all skin pigmentation problems can be prevented, and when they occur, there are several medical treatments that may help.

Skin Pigmentation Treatments

Some skin pigmentation issues can be treated medically, on an outpatient basis, with a number of procedures. While age spots and dark spots on the face that are caused by sun exposure are usually responsive to laser treatment, melasma does not seem to fade with laser treatment and may only absorb the light and grow darker.

Patients who suffer from melasma may find that microdermabrasion and prescription facial peels will fade the dark blotches on their skin more effectively than lasers, and these procedures have a low instance of side effects as well. Those who are considering these skin pigmentation treatments should understand that they are often considered to be cosmetic treatments and may not be covered under insurance. While not everyone will experience the side effects that may occur, others who have sensitive or thin skin should be aware of that possibility.

Side Effects of Skin Pigmentation Treatment

While most skin pigmentation treatments are either harmless or mildly irritating, there are other side effects that may occur. The most common one that is reported with laser treatments is a stinging or snapping sensation against the skin during the procedure and then redness and irritation for approximately 24 hours afterwards. Microdermabrasion treatments may also cause irritation, redness, and in some cases, swelling, depending on the depth of the treatment. Any individual who is considering these skin pigmentation treatment options should discuss their medical history with their dermatologist in order to make an educated decision tailored to their specific skin type.


Advanced Dermatology - Vitiligo

How to Live with Vitiligo

 Vitiligo is a skin condition in which the skin completely loses its pigmentation, leaving white patches in the affected areas. While there is not much yet known about what exactly causes this condition, it can occur on almost any part of the body and is most commonly seen in the arms, hands, and face. Vitiligo does not cause any other skin problems such as itching or irritation, and is not considered harmful to one’s health. However, people who suffer from visible patches of this condition on their hands or face are often self-conscious about the discoloration and may consider it unsightly. While treatment of vitiligo is available, those who are seeking solutions should remember that it is often considered cosmetic procedure and can be quite costly if not covered by insurance.

 The Causes of Vitiligo

 Vitiligo occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly destroys pigmented skin cells in certain areas of the body. While researchers are still studying this condition, many believe that this problem is genetic and auto-immune in nature. Those who develop vitiligo usually have some family history of it, and it is more likely to occur in people with darker skin pigmentation. Some research performed on this skin condition suggests that a certain combination of genetic factors can trigger the depigmentation, and that there are few environmental factors involved. Symptoms usually appear in younger people, and both genders can be equally affected.
While vitiligo itself is harmless, it can leave skin vulnerable to UV damage, as melanin, the chemical that gives skin its color, is also a natural protectant against the sun. Those who suffer from vitiligo should use sunscreen when they are outdoors and avoid harsh skin treatments, such as glycolic acid peels.

 Vitiligo Symptoms

Vitiligo symptoms usually appear in late childhood and develop steadily with age. Loss of skin pigmentation can occur quickly but may suddenly stop its progression for months or even years before it resuming. Loss of color in the skin may either be partial or complete and vitiligo is more likely to occur on areas of the body that are often exposed to the sun, such as the arms, hands, and face.
Damaged skin also has a greater chance of developing vitiligo, but the skin pigmentation problem can appear anywhere on the body over time. Once the loss of pigmentation has occurred, the melanin in the skin usually does not return, causing permanent skin discoloration. While there is no way to restore the skin pigmentation, there are several treatments available that may help to even out skin tone and improve its overall appearance.

 Vitiligo Treatments

 The number of vitiligo treatments available to patients has increased in the last decade. In the cases of those who suffer from milder forms of the skin condition, a corticosteroid cream may be prescribed to even out the skin tone and stop the progression of further melanin loss. Some patients who have small patches on their arms or face often turn to cosmetics to cover up the visible areas, but as the problem progresses, this may no longer be an option. Small skin grafts may be available to some patients, which involves grafting unaffected skin to areas where loss of pigmentation has occurred.
For those who suffer from severe vitiligo, a treatment known as PUVA is available. PUVA, which stands for oral psoralen + UVA, is a treatment where oral medication is combined with sunlight to trigger repigmentation of skin cells.

 Side Effects

Those who use topical creams for vitiligo should monitor their skin for signs of an allergic reaction that may include itching, redness, or swelling. While skin grafts can be effective, they may also cause pebbling of the skin. Side effects of treating the discolouration with PUVA may include nausea, sunburn, abdominal pain, hyperpigmentation, and severe skin dryness. Any vitiligo treatment should only be used under the guidance of an experienced dermatologist to prevent further skin discoloration.



PLEASE NOTE: Advanced Dermatology does not treat eczema at this current time. This article is for education and information purposes only. 


Understanding Eczema

Eczema is a medical condition characterised by irritated and inflamed skin. Up to 20% of infants and nearly 3% of adults and children in Australia are affected with this condition. The majority of infants with eczema tend to outgrow the condition by their teenage years, though a good portion of adults suffer periodic symptoms for the rest of their life. Different types of eczema have been identified, with atopic eczema being the most common. Atopic eczema has a tendency of leading to other allergic conditions, like hay fever and asthma. However, the good news is that those who suffer from this skin problem may lead a normal life with proper treatment of the condition.

Causes of Eczema

Unfortunately, there is no fully understood or confirmed cause for eczema. The general medical consensus leans on the possibility of an over active response by a person’s immune system. However, although the exact cause may not be completely clear, there are many things that may exacerbate the condition.

For example, if one suffers from eczema, avoiding long, hot showers and baths can be one way to reduce the appearance of this problem. Also, one should try to avoid a rapid change in temperature, itchy fabrics like wool, harmful cigarette smoke, gritty sand, and dust. All of these things will exacerbate the condition, making it even more uncomfortable and difficult to treat.

It is also a good idea to keep track of personal care products when trying to understand what makes your eczema worse. It has been noted that certain detergents, soaps, and solvents that may be common causes of eczema and dermatitis. If symptoms develop after using some products, it is recommended to stop using the products and consult your skin care specialist.

Symptoms of Eczema

Eczema most commonly appears on the feet, wrists, hands, the back of the knees, and face. The most common symptom of this condition is itchy skin. The feeling of itchiness tends to intensify during the night hours. This can also cause the skin to become dry and flaky, and may lead to skin breakage in places where a person tends to scratch. Excessive scratching of the affected area may lead to oozing blisters, and permanent scars.

The areas affected by eczema may appear dry, with the skin becoming thickened and scaly. For people with fair skin, reddish discoloration is also a common symptom. For those with a darker skin complexion, the condition may lighten the affected area.

Treating Eczema

When considering the treatment of eczema, the goal is to address immediate symptoms to relieve the itching, and provide a long term solution by preventing further patches from appearing.

The first defence against eczema is moisturising. Because the skin is dry and flaky, one is encouraged to treat not only the specific problem spots, but the surrounding areas of skin as well. If using lotions and creams, it is best to apply them directly after a bath or shower. Since the skin is damp, it will retain the added moisture better. Lotions and creams that contain up to 1% hydrocortisone are considered to be an effective  eczema treatment and are available over the counter.

Doctors may prescribe specialized ointments and creams, which contain corticosteroids. These will alleviate the inflammation associated with eczema. If the area becomes infected because of the open wounds, antibiotics may be prescribed as well.

Some other treatments that are available for eczema patients include taking a regimen of antihistamines to reduce the itching. For example, products with tar may be used to alleviate itching, or phototherapy to treat affected areas with ultraviolet light. Doctors may also feel need the prescribe cyclosporine if the eczema does not respond sufficiently to other forms of treatments.



An Overview of Psoriasis Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

While there are many skin conditions that can cause discomfort, one of the most well-known but least understood is psoriasis. This skin condition, which is often chronic and can affect individuals for decades, is usually caused by the body’s immune system. When people who suffer from psoriasis experience a flare up of symptoms, it is because the immune system sends out an overload of information to the skin cells. This causes cells to grow much more rapidly than normal, which leads to irregular patches of itchy, inflamed skin, which characterize psoriasis.

This condition can affect either gender and is usually more prevalent in adults than children. Psoriasis can only be diagnosed by a doctor, who can advise you on specific treatment options that are appropriate for your unique situation, and any side effects that may result from them.

Psoriasis Symptoms

 In many cases, psoriasis is caused by genetic factors and tends to run in the family. In other circumstances, the condition is caused by a faulty immune system that stimulates skin cells to stack on top of each other and create patches of rough, irregular, and often scaly skin. Patches caused by psoriasis are usually red and can have very irregular shapes which are easily visible.

Psoriasis flare ups can occur without warning and appear on any part of the body, but the patches are most commonly seen on the back and on the extremities. In some cases, the patches can become itchy or tender to the touch, especially if they are further irritated by dryness, scratchy fabric, or stress. People who smoke may also find that using tobacco makes their psoriasis worse.

In some individuals, psoriasis symptoms may be present only on the scalp or the finger and toenails. This may lead to dry flaky skin on face, and a scaly scalp that is likely to be chronically flaky. When psoriasis presents in the nails, it will often cause them to appear yellow, brittle, and peel away easily from the nail bed. This can lead to infection.

Psoriasis of the nails is the only type of this skin condition that can be treated surgically, as doctors may remove nails that have become infected or toenails that curl in on themselves and impair walking.  However, symptoms are much more likely to appear on the back, legs, and arms than on your finger and toenails.


Psoriasis Treatments

Unlike many other skin conditions, psoriasis cannot be treated with lasers or light therapy. There are also no surgical options for those who suffer from the problem. Most treatments are either given through prescription topical creams and ointments or oral medications, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Less severe cases can usually be treated with a number of creams and preventative care, such as quitting smoking and avoiding situations that are unnecessarily stressful.

More severe cases are usually treated with prescription medications that suppress the immune system so that extra cell growth is inhibited. Those who take these oral medications should only do so under the careful guidance of a physician, as many of them do have a high instance of dangerous side effects.


Psoriasis Treatment Side Effects


Topical creams and ointments that are used to treat psoriasis usually have a low instance of side effects, but those who use them should watch out for any allergic reactions that may occur with their use. Oral medications for more severe cases may prove effective but also have a number of side effects because they suppress the immune system. This leaves those who take the drug vulnerable to infections that may make them very ill. Because of this, no one should take psoriasis medication without first consulting a dermatologist about their symptoms.

Nasolabial Folds

Nasolabial Folds: Causes, Treatments and Side Effects

Nasolabial folds are two skin folds that run from the corners of the mouth up to the side of the nose. They are often referred to as laugh or smile lines. Nasolabial folds are often one of the first areas ageing individuals will have treated as they are one of the first visible signs of ageing. They are often the most visible as well. Nasolabial folds make the skin look tired and rough, and may even cause an individual to look older than they are.

What causes Nasolabial folds?

When the skin starts to sag, nasolabial folds will develop. Collagen will be lost, which will cause the skin to lose its elasticity. This in turn make the skin sag, causing nasolabial folds to form.

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What is a common treatment for Nasolabial folds?

One common treatment used for nasolabial folds include dermal fillers. When a dermal filler is injected into the nasolabial folds, the skin will be pushed outwards. Volume of the skin will be given. There will be no downtime with the treatment of dermal fillers when used to fill in nasolabial folds. An individual will be able to resume regular activities right after the dermal procedure is completed.

Dermal fillers take about half an hour to complete with results lasting 4 months up to a year.

Who is a good candidate for dermal fillers for Nasolabial folds?

Good candidates for dermal fillers to help plump up nasolabial folds include those that are physically healthy and those that do not smoke. Dermal fillers are great for individuals that have a realistic goal.

Are there any side effects when using dermal fillers for nasolabial folds?

Dermal fillers can give mild side effects. These side effects include mild swelling or bruising of the skin, redness, numbness of the skin that is temporary, and possibly an over-treated look to the treatment area. When using dermal fillers there is a risk of an allergic reaction, so it is best to talk to a skin specialist to determine what the best dermal filler for an individual. Dermal fillers offer a very rare chance of complications.

What is a dermal filler procedure like?

The face will first be evaluated, and points will be marked on the face as to where the dermal filler will be injected into the skin. Before photos may be taken at this point. The skin will then be cleansed to remove all bacteria, and the area to be treated will be numbed with either a cold instrument, an injection of a local anesthesia, or with an anesthesia cream.

After the skin has been numbed, the injections will begin. After the dermal fillers is injected into the nasolabial folds, the skin will be massaged. This process will continue until the folds have been filled in to the satisfaction of the dermatologist and the patient. Ice packs may be offered as a way to control the pain and alleviate swelling.

When looking for a skin specialist to fill the nasolabial lines, it is important that one finds a skin specialist that is trustworthy. An individual should find out if they are a good candidate for the procedure at hand, as well as find out how many procedures like this the skin specialist has personally performed. Find out if anyone will assist in the procedure, and if so, what training they have had. Always find out if there are any complications or risk with the procedure, and if a complication should arise, how it will be handled. Be sure to ask what the typical outcomes are for a said procedure. It is also a good idea to ask to see before and after photographs of procedures the skin specialist has done. At Advanced Dermatology all our injectable treatments are performed by a cosmetic doctor.

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Cherry Angioma

Cherry angiomas are skin growths that are fairly common. While they are usually present the most on the trunk of the body, they can be found anywhere. Rarely will they be found on the hands or feet. They are thought to be genetic, even though there is not a known cause to them. They usually appear on the body after the age of 30. They are found on all races, both sexes and all ethnic backgrounds. They will usually increase in both size and number as the person gets older. They appear as  a small, bright red cherry mark that can be either smooth or stick out. They are usually pinhead size to ¼ inch in diameter. They receive the bright red color from broken blood vessels inside the cherry angioma.

To diagnose cherry angioma, the doctor will simply exam the skin. Sometimes, a skin biopsy is also performed. Usually they are not treated, as they are noncancerous and are not harmful to the health of an individual. If they are removed, the removal does usually not cause any scarring. Do note that if you see any changes in the Cherry angioma, have it looked at. This could be a sign that there is a more serious cause, such as skin cancer.

Reasons to remove a cherry angioma are perosnal. Sometimes they effect the self condidence of a person. Or they might even bleed from time to time. Bleeding can be caused by scratching or rubbing them.   They may also grow in size. Should one decide to have them removed, they can either have the cherry angioma froze off by cryotherapy, lasered off, shaved off, or burned off with cautery/electrosurgery.

With Cryotherapy, liquid nitrogen will be used to quickly freeze off the Cherry angioma. With this type of removal, there is less chance of infection compared to others, and the wound is very easy to care for afterwards. Laser surgery is done as an outpatient procedure and is relatively quick. You could need one to three treatments depending on how many angiomas you have. There is a drawback of slight bruising from the surgery, which will last up to 10 days.

Shaving off the Cherry angioma means it will be sliced away in thin layers until it is completely gone. Stitches or sutures will be needed to close the wound after it is sliced off. With electrosurgery, an electric current is used to burn off the angioma. One will be shielded from the electricity with a grounding pad that has been placed on the body.

There are some home remedies that one can use to remove the Cherry angioma. Many have had luck with apple cider vinegar. Coat the area with ACV for at least 2 weeks. This will help to remove the Cherry angioma on its own. Or one could cover the area with a piece of duct tape for 2 to 5 days. This will break down the growth and remove the angioma painlessly.

As stated above, there is no real known cause to Cherry angioma. Some believe that pregnancy causes them in females, while others suggest certain chemicals, such as mustard gas, bromides, and cyclosporine can cause cherry angioma when exposed to them. Others say the climate is a huge factor for Cherry angioma.

Cherry angiomas are no trouble for many people unless they are rubbing against clothing or being bumped. Then they may start to get rather bothersome and one may wish for removal. A dermatologist should always be contacted if they change in appearance in any way