
VelaShape: Overview, Reviews and Results

VelaShape is a non-invasive body contouring treatment. VelaShape can be used on the neck, the hips, thighs (inner and outer), buttocks, arms, flank, and abdomen. This technology combines bi-polar radio frequency energy, a vacuum, and infrared light. These three combined will heat the fat cells deeply, as well as the connective tissue and the underlying collagen dermal fibers. As treatments are given, there will be a reduction in cellulite as well as circumference. On average, one inch per treatment session is generally lost. VelaShape is an FDA approved treatment and is safe and effective for all colours of skin and skin types.

What is the VelaShape procedure like?

Before the procedure has started, the area that is to be treated will be cleansed. A hand piece will then be rolled over the area, which will begin to heat the tissue. This will cause the fat cells to melt, shrinking them in size. The skin will then be manipulated with the same device, which will create smoother skin that is firmer.

What are the results of VelaShape?

Gradual improvements will be seen in the appearance of the skin, with final results being seen 6 to 8 weeks after the final session is completed. The skin will appear to be tighter as well as smoother. Typically results last for 6 to 12 months.

Does VelaShape cause any pain?

Many report VelaShape as a comfortable treatment that feels similar to a deep tissue warming massage. Others report that it feels like an intense workout. The session will be tailored to fit what the patient finds to be comfortable.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects of VelaShape include some redness or mild bruising. Superficial burns may also be a side effect, but this is rare. Once the treatment is over, it is normal to have a warm sensation around the treatment area. Regular activities can be resumed after a session is over. Following the procedure, an increase in urine production is often seen. It is recommended that patients drink at least 2 liters of water per day, and possibly up to 4 liters.

What are the benefits of having VelaShape?

Having VelaShape done provides many great benefits. These include not only reducing cellulite and circumference but will also help with trapped fat reduction. This body contouring treatment is great for woman that want to get their bodies back into shape after having a baby. VelaShape may also be used before and after a liposuction treatment. In Men, this procedure will also relieve the muscles of aches and spasms.

How many sessions are needed of VelaShape?

A minimum of 6 sessions is generally needed to see the maximum results, however, some may see results within 4 sessions. The total number of treatments will be dependent on each patient, depending on what the goals are of the patient, as well as what the state of the body is currently in. Each session will last about 30 minutes.

Can VelaShape be combine with other treatments to accelerate the results?

VelaShape may be combined with other treatments to see faster results. This should be discussed with your skin specialist, however, others have successfully used fitness and diet programs while having the sessions completed, had skin tightening treatments done, body shaping treatments, and liposuction procedures.

Is there anyone that is not a good candidate for VelaShape?

Most people are good candidates for VelaShape. It is recommended that all health issues be shared with your skin specialist as certain illnesses and health conditions make a person ineligible for VelaShape.


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