The Best Ways to Treat Cellulite

From Lasers to Creams, What are the best treatments in dealing with the battle of Cellulite

Most of the women I know can spot the tiniest amount of cellulite the moment it appears on their body.  Cellulite is one of the most frustrating body conditions and combating it takes understanding the causes and factors attributed to cellulite and the various treatments available.  We’ve done the research and have the facts about LaserLipo PRO, Liposuction and other treatments promising to reduce the look of cellulite. Here’s what you need to know:

Understanding Cellulite

– Cellulite is not just caused by fat. Some of the fittest women I know are still plagued by cellulite because changing your diet and exercise are not enough to combat cellulite.

– Many of the factors causing cellulite are out of your control including: ageing, hormones, genetics and weight change.

– Some factors, such as weight gain (and loss) and diet, are not out of your control.

– Cellulite is normal fat coming into contact with tissue beneath the skin which makes the skin pucker into a cottage cheese looking portion of your skin.

– Cellulite is more common in women than in men.

– There are medical treatments with varying levels of success.  If you are considering to opt in for a cosmetic treatment to remove cellulite, some options you might want to look at include LaserLipo PRO a safe treatment which has been proven to work wonders in the fight against cellulite.

Some ways which can help avoid Cellulite

Change in habits

Many people see improvement in their skin and a decrease of cellulite through diet and exercise.  Decreasing your intake of unhealthy, fatty foods and increasing your exercise can show improvement but because genetics and hormones play a role, diet and exercise might not completely diminish the appearance of cellulite.

Avoid fad dieting

Most people see an increase in cellulite when they gain and/or lose a significant amount of weight so high variability in weight and constant changes is likely to lead to more cellulite on your body.

Best Cellulite Treatments

LaserLipo PRO

LaserLipo PRO technology combines infrared light, bi-polar radio frequency energy and vacuum, which cause deep heating of the fat cells, their surrounding connective tissue and the underlying dermal collagen fibers. This type of efficient heating and vacuum stimulates the growth of new and better collagen and elastin which results in localized reduction in skin laxity, body volume, and an overall improvement in skin structure and texture.

What to expect from the LaserLipo PRO treatment:

  • Gradual smoothing of skin’s surface with a noticeable reduction in cellulite
  • Circumferential reduction, with noticeable reshaping of the treated area


Cellulaze is a unique treatment using laser fiber to smooth bumps, release fibrous to combat the puckering and stimulate collagen production for a continuous look of smoothness.  The procedure takes about 1-2 hours but many beauty reporters are rating it as an incredibly effective procedure.  Cellulaze is touted as successfully targeting the problems under the skin causing cellulite and cellulaze patients reported continued improvement for up to a year after the treatment.


While there are people using liposuction to help with the appearance of cellulite, it’s not actually intended for this purpose.  Liposuction is actually for removing fat deeper below the skin and doctors warn that it can actually worsen the look of cellulite because the dramatic weight loss can cause the skin puckering.  There are people reporting receiving liposuction at the same time as a cellulaze procedure but that is not always recommended.


No matter what the advertisements claim, there is yet to be a topical treatment that truly battles cellulite.  The puckering on top of your skin is due to the tissue under the skin so topical treatment isn’t likely to improve the condition.


Any procedure that includes injecting needles or removing fat will include some recovery time and is likely to be more expensive than, say, hitting the gym.  That said, the results for procedures like Cellulaze are extremely positive.  A quick conversation with your skin specialist will help decide if you are a candidate and if it is right for you.

Additionally, there are other procedures popping up in the market with a similar process and even more promising results. Advanced Dermatology has a LaserLipo Pro with less recovery time and includes enhancement of skin and slimming in the results of their procedure.

Most importantly, it’s your body you need to love so consider what’s right for you and always consult your skin specialist.


Article by Laura Wilson.

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