TCA Peel

What is a TCA Peel?

A TCA peel, or tricloroacetic acid peels, work deep down in the skin to repair and rejuvenate it. They are a medium strength chemical peel that more than likely will require a week of downtime. However, their benefits greatly outweigh the time off! TCA peels are known to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, even out the skin tone and improve skin discoloration.

TCA peels range in 8% to 30% in strength. They can be used not only on the face, but also the hands, back of the hands and the neck. They last about 6 months in time and will generally require more than one peel to get the desired effects. They can be done in a dermatologist office and there are also some over the counter TCA peels that work great for at home use.

Things to know prior treatment

There are several things that one should do prior to the treatment.  First off, while this is completely optional, many dermatologists will recommend using an AHA serum or retinoids for two weeks prior to the peel. This will ensure that the peel penetrates the skin further and a more even skin peeling is done. Seventy two hours before the peel all exfoliants must be stopped. This includes chemical and manual ones. Grainy scrubs and other harsh products should be avoided the day of the peel, as well as during the duration of the skin peeling.

A patch test will need to be done 48 hours prior to the peel. Test the skin in the area that the TCA peel will occur, such as on the hands, or the face. This is essential to do so you can know how the skin will react to the tricloroacetic acid.

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Usually there is a window span of at least 7 days needed for downtime and recovery. It would be ideal for the person having the peel done to have off work, but if a full week is not taken, then 3 or 4 days should be. The skin will begin to peel within these first few days. While the skin is peeling, a good moisturiser will greatly aid the skin. If a good moisturiser is not on hand, petroleum jelly can be used. Also keep an anti itch cream and an antibiotic cream on hand.

How the TCA Peel is done

On the day of the TCA peel, the skin will be washed, and then dried. An astringent may be applied to the skin to remove excess oils. It will be allowed to dry and then petroleum jelly will be placed around the eye sockets, nostrils, and lips. This will protect these areas from the peel. The TCA peel will be brushed onto the skin. For skin that has had TCA peels done before, a second or third layer can be applied. Since the TCA peel on the skin can feel hot, prickly, and tingly, a cooling fan will be running. Frosting of the skin could occur, in which parts of the skin will turn white. However, this usually only happens with higher concentrated solutions of 15% or more. The places that have frosted over will peel the most. The amount of time the peel is left on the skin will depend on what your experience with TCA peels are and the desired strength of the peel itself.

The skin will then be neutralised. Keep in mind that even though most of the TCA peels are self neutralising, a neutralising solution will be applied to be certain the peel has stopped working. After the peel is neutralised, the skin is cleansed very gently, and then dried. Antibiotic cream will be applied in heavy amounts. You will be sent home with the instructions to drink lots of water to stay hydrated and to apply antibiotic cream to the skin to keep infection at bay.

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