Collagen Injections

Collagen Injections: Type, Use, Treatments and Side Effects

Collagen injections were designed to give the skin a smoother, plumper appearance. The skin is made up of about 80% collagen. Over time it will break down as one ages, but due to the exposure of the sun, it can break down even faster. Collagen is a dermal skin filler. Collagen injections are used to not only give clients fuller lips, but also plump up wrinkles that are found on the forehead and around the mouth. Collagen injections are used to replenish the skin’s natural collagen. Injections could be given to fill in the hollows of the cheeks, repair any facial imperfections, minimise deep folds, and improve scarring on the skin. There are many different kinds of collagen, including human collagen, bovine (cow) collagen, and porcine (pig) collagen. Most of the collagens that are used for injections are biodegradable, meaning they will break down in the body naturally over the course of several months. Bovine collagen is often used as it is cheaper than the other two forms. Made of the skin of a cow, this collagen has a high percentage of skin allergies. If one decides to go with this method of injections, they will be tested first to see if there will be an allergic reaction. To see if one is allergic to the collagen treatment, the skin will be tested by injecting the arm with a small amount of collagen. Over the course of a month, the patient will watch for any allergic reaction at the injection site.

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Collagen Injection Treatment

The process of a collagen injection is relatively easy. The skin will first be cleansed before an injection is given. Before the actual collagen injection, an injection of anesthesia will be given. This will numb the area of skin that is being treated. Collagen will be injected into the area until it is filled. It will usually take a few minutes to do each injection site. Deep depressions in the skin may need more than one injection.

Collagen Injections Side Effects

Side effects associated with collagen injections include swelling, numbness, bruising and redness. The skin can appear to be red for a day up to a week. Injection sites may look puffy or overfilled for up to a week after the injection. A rash may occur on the skin, or infection could set in. The skin may appear to look lumpy where the injection took place. There is always the possibility of facial muscle weakness that is temporary. If any of the following side effects pop up, the doctor should be notified as soon as possible: fever, weakness, numbness, swelling of the skin that is persistent, bleeding that will not stop or is persistent, severe bruising, and persistent skin irritation.

Collagen Injections Cost

Each collagen injection will cost about $350 to $450, however it is normal to pay $500 or more per injection, depending on where the treatment is performed at. Since collagen is 100% biodegradable, and will break down, further injections will be needed every three to six months. Usually two to four injections are done each year on a patient that uses collagen injections. Do note that in some cases, a touch up session may be needed before the three month mark after the very first injection. Keep in mind that this cost might not include the fee for anesthesia, any medical testing that needs to be done prior to the first injection, as well as any prescription medications that could be needed after the procedure is completed. Since this is a cosmetic procedure, many insurance companies will not cover any of it, so the patient will be responsible for the entire cost.

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5 replies
  1. Puffy
    Puffy says:

    About 2 years ago, I decided to go with collagen injections. I had the allergy testing done, and within a month, it was noted that I was a good candidate for the collagen. No allergies to it! I was excited to plump up these wrinkles I had! Well, after I had the first treatment done, I was not so happy. Side effects that effected me included bruising of the skin. My skin was also really puffy. Just did not look natural at all. Well, I thought maybe it was because I was a first time user, so I went back when my next appointment scheduled, and guess what? The same thing happened. A bruise and puffy skin. Nothing like looking like I had gotten into a fight. I was not impressed with the collagen injections at all and have vowed to never get another treatment done. For me that was $900 plus my time down the drain! Don’t make the same mistake that I did. It was costly and not attractive at all!

  2. Colley
    Colley says:

    Wonderful article here. I learned a lot about collagen injections that I did not know about. I never knew where collagen was from. I knew that we have it in our bodies. I just can not imagine putting the cow or the pig collagen into my body. And how do they make the human collagen? Is it derived from living human beings?

  3. Lenna H.
    Lenna H. says:

    I am appalled at how much it costs for a collagen injection. Even if you go with the lower end of the spectrum, and pay $350 per treatment, you would be paying $700 to $1400 a year. To me, this just seems silly. Almost like you are throwing your money away, which I guess essentially you are, since you have to have this procedure done so many times a year. And then depending on which type of collagen you pick, you will need to have an allergy test done. I can only imagine how much that would run. To me, collagen injections just are not worth it. I would have to look for a different method to get rid of my wrinkles.

  4. Evelin
    Evelin says:

    I had collagen injections done in my lips. I wanted my lips to be fuller, and just look better. They were pretty thin, and thought that if I had fuller lips, my face would look much more attractive. I am telling you, collagen injections in the lips is not the way to go. I have bumps on my lips now because of the injections. I am not very happy with how my lips look right now. I would much rather have the thin lips that I had before hand. I beg of you to not waste your money on collagen injections as they are not cracked up to be that great. Do yourself a favor and look into other treatments if you want fuller lips.

  5. Shantelle
    Shantelle says:

    I have been thinking of having collagen injections done on myself as I want a way to fill in some wrinkles on my face. I never knew that there were so many side effects associated with this! I do not want the treatment done now, as I really can not imagine walking around with a red face for a week! And then to have to go back and have the treatment done all over again in three to six months. Not to mention that it would totally tick me off if I had to have a touch up treatment done after my first one. And knowing my luck, that would be me! I think I will overlook collagen injections right now and see if there are some other more favorable treatments at my dermatologist office.


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