
Cellulaze: An Overview

Cellulaze is a treatment that attacks cellulite at its core. Cellulite isn’t simply caused by excess fat, but also by problems with the structure underneath the skin. Treatment with Cellulaze tackles issues with fat as well as the skin’s structure. The fibre strands beneath the skin are treated, thus adding elasticity and thickening the skin that is affected by fat deposits that are pushing up. This corrects the “cottage cheese” effect many patients seek to treat. This procedure is approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to treat stubborn cellulite problems. The treatment is suitable for people who have cellulite in their thighs but aren’t necessarily overweight/obese.

The Procedure

A qualified skin specialist will consult with a patient about issues they want to correct. During the appointment, the physician will use a marker to determine which areas will be treated. A local anaesthesia will be applied and then the skin specialist will proceed to make very small incisions on the area agreed upon by the patient. The patient is awake throughout the entire Cellulaze procedure, which should take between 60-90 minutes to complete.

After incision, the physician will place a small tube—cannula—and use a SideLaze3D™ fibre through the site where the incision was made. The laser fibre is meant to:

  • Treat dimples and release the glands of fibre that pull skin down.
  • Stimulate the production of collagen so that elasticity increases, smooths out the skin, and makes it look refreshed by heating the skin through the laser.
  • Smooth any bumps of fat.

The physician will then press out any liquified fat.

After the Cellulaze Procedure

Patients should expect some discomfort after the Cellulaze procedure. Fluid may also leak out from areas where incisions were made. The skin specialist may ask patients to use a compression garment. There may also be some bruising in treated areas and patients can expect for it to go away within a week. Some patients report a pinching feeling after the procedure. It will take 1-2 days to be able to get back to every day activities and 1-2 weeks to be able to exercise more strenuously. Results will also visibly continue to improve within 3-12 months after the procedure is completed.

The Cellulaze Difference 

Many treatments that address cellulite only do so externally via creams, ointments and other products. However, cellulite is not simply a problem with fat that can be controlled through external factors, diet, and exercise. Cellulaze instead treats the fibres that pull skin down and cause unwanted dimples. It has been proven safe and can keep cellulite under control for a year or even more depending on the patient. Results are seen after one treatment, which means patients can expect to no longer spend on pills or ointments that only treat surface cellulite problems.

Studies have confirmed that the skin’s thickness increases 25% after Cellulaze. Furthermore, few side effects are reported with the procedure. With the right aftercare, incision sites will heal properly and won’t result in scars. Patients can inquire with their physician about what they can do to prevent scars depending on skin type.

Cellulaze costs approximately $5,000-$7,000 and the cost varies depending on desired area of treatment and the clinic. Patients should ask potential physicians about their experience using lasers as well as their experience with the Cellulaze treatment overall. Most skin specialists have no problem showing before and after photos of procedures. If they don’t offer to do so, ask.

Because only a local anaesthetic is used, patients can have Cellulaze performed at a certified facility or surgery centre, and do not need to go to a hospital for treatment.

3 replies
  1. Olivia Terziovski
    Olivia Terziovski says:

    Hello happy to come to NSW for cellulose laze but do you offer it in Melbourne roo I’d not can I get a quote anyway?


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