How To Stop Sweating

How to Stop Sweating: Treatments for those who suffer from Excessive Sweating

Only those who have experienced heavy sweating for a long time are able to better understand the importance of finding an effective treatment for this condition. We have teamed up with our leading cosmetic injectable doctor who will share some insights on how to stop sweating.

Embarrassing like few others, heavy sweating can really make a person’s life an ordeal, as it conditions both social and professional life, particularly in people who experience underarm sweating –although other forms of sweating can be equally annoying. Technically known as hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating can make a person sweat up to four times more than the average individual.

Medical research has shown that there are several reasons that account for the symptom. And even when there are two different types of hyperhidrosis: focal and generalised, the symptom is rarely the consequence of another condition, but more of an idiopathic nature.

One of the reasons is directly linked to the person’s inability to keep body temperature down without resorting to excessive sweating. Though most patients will never find out what it is that causes excessive sweating. What specialists do know is that findings also suggest that a large percentage of the population present this disorder. However unpleasant, this condition is more common than one would expect, for example, over one million people suffer from it in the US alone.

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Less Effective Treatments

For decades, many dermatologists have addressed the issue by appealing to the organic reasons for excessive sweating. Common treatments include giving patients certain vitamins that are meant to help prevent perspiration. Other topical treatments involve the use of lotions or creams that have a high content of aluminium salts, commonly found in antiperspirants as well. When over-the-counter treatments fail to treat the issue efficiently, a dermatologist will advise on a prescription product.

Two for the Price of One

Every now and then, a treatment comes out, taking everybody by surprise mainly because it is useful to treat several symptoms at the same time. Research has recently shown that a popular anti wrinkle treatment is highly effective in dealing with excessive sweating.

Anti sweat injections stem from the botulinum toxin used for anti ageing treatments. This substance has been found to be highly beneficial in the treatment of primary auxiliary hyperhidrosis. Used to treat this disorder, anti sweat injections may have an effect that can last for up to two years.

How does it work?

When the substance is injected, the chemical messenger that sends signals to the sympathetic nerves is blocked in such a way that it does not reach the sweat glands. Since the chemical message is not sent, the glands are neither stimulated, nor activated. The toxin then works by permanently blocking the nerve endings.

Local Treatment

Injections are applied locally, depending on what the affected area is. However, it must be said that experience shows that sweating under the arms is more effectively treated than plantar hyperhidrosis, for example. Moreover, many patients report to have felt a great discomfort when anti sweat injections were being applied on the soles of their feet. Furthermore, results seem to be more effective in other areas.

Risks and Side Effects

On the other hand, users-to-be should know that there is a certain risk involved in the use of anti sweat injections. In order to optimise the use of this local treatment, users should always consult with a health-care professional and have the treatment administered only by specialised hands. Also, since certain allergies are linked to the use of this substance, previous studies may be necessary.

In all, anti sweat injections are an effective treatment to cure chronic excessive perspiration, particularly on people who have suffered from profuse armpit sweating for a long time now.

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